health to environment
At Ripon College, students really do science. Students learn laboratory techniques, arming them with useful skills in the workplace. Students interested in pursuing careers ranging from health professions to environmental biology are well-prepared by the biology major.
Department Mission Statement
The Department of Biology provides an intellectually challenging learning environment for students of the life sciences. In laboratory, field, and discussions, students come to understand the foundations and diversity of life by posing meaningful biological questions, answering these questions through observation and experimentation, and presenting their findings to a wide audience. These experiences prepare students to make informed decisions in their daily life, to work in a range of careers, and to pursue advanced professional programs.
5-YR AVG Acceptance Rate to Medical School
AVG Student Faculty Ratio
Acres to Explore at Ceresco Prairie Conservancy
Expect to Experience
- Hands-on experience designing studies, using equipment and analyzing data in both the laboratory and field
- One-on-one mentorship from accessible and approachable faculty for individual research experiences and planning for the future
- Research opportunities in topics you are passionate about as you prepare and present your senior thesis
Leave Empowered To
Students who complete the biology program graduate with the skills necessary to:
- Make informed decisions based on a deep understanding of the foundations and diversity of life
- Excel in a range of careers that value observation, experimentation and effective communication skills to present findings
- Pursue advanced professional programs and/or health professions

Grady, Benjamin R.
Associate Professor of Biology, Director of Environmental Studies Program

Kainz, Mark
Professor of Biology, Patricia and Philip McCullough Class of 1969 Professor in Biology

Total Credits
37 credits in biology toward major
CHM 111 Organic Chemistry I, 112 Structure and Reactivity, and MTH 120 Elementary Statistics or PSC 211 Research and Design Statistics
Core Courses
CHM 122 Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity, 123 Molecules Cells and Genes, 200 Scientific Writing and Communication, 220 Department Seminar, 501 Senior Studies, 502 Senior Studies
Elective Courses
Required to take 3 distribution courses with laboratories, one in each area of organismal, cell and molecular, and ecology and evolutionary biology, and at least 8 additional elective credits. Two courses toward the major must be taken at the 300 level.
206 Biology of Birds, 211 Human Anatomy and Physiology I: Support, Movement and Integration, 216 Vertebrate Zoology, 226 Plant Anatomy and Physiology, 227 The Biology of Plants, 312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II: Maintenance and Continuity, 314 Microbiology
Cell and Molecular
219 Genetics, 266 Cell and Molecular Biology, 314 Microbiology, 329 Developmental Biology
Ecology and Evolution
206 Biology of Birds, 215 Invertebrate Zoology, 216 Vertebrate Zoology, 227 The Biology of Plants, 247 General Ecology, 336 Green Wisconsin, 339 Behavioral Ecology
Additional Criteria
No more than four credits of directed research (x97), independent study (BIO x98), or internships (x99) may be counted toward the major. BIO 110, 310 and 400 will not count toward any major or minor in biology.
Core Courses
BIO 122 Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity and 123 Molecules, Cells, and Genes
Elective Courses
14 elective credits in biology courses approved by the department.
Core Course
ENV 120 Environmental Studies, BIO 122 Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity and 247 General Ecology
Elective Courses
plus 11 additional credits in biology courses approved by the department.
Additional Requerments
Students majoring in environmental studies or biology may not minor in environmental biology.
Students interested in teaching biology need to complete the Secondary Education Major and the Science Education licensure requirements which include: a major or minor in biology, chemistry, physics, or environmental studies and the following courses: BIO 122 Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity, 123 Molecules, Cells, and Genes, 211 Human Anatomy and Physiology I, CHM 111 Organic Chemistry I, 112 Structure and Reactivity, ENV 120 Environmental Studies, PHY 131 General Physics I: Mechanics,152 Introductory Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism and Waves, and EDU 337.
Students planning on graduate work in biology should work consider additional courses in chemistry, one year of physics, mathematics through calculus, and computer science. Students should work with their academic advisor when planning for graduate school programs.
Career Tracks
Graduates pursue a variety of professions in the biological sciences, academia, medicine and beyond. We are proud of our tradition of excellence in placing students in leading medical programs. Our five-year acceptance rate average to medical school is 80 percent.
- Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians
- Medical and Health Service Mangers
- Natural Sciences Managers
- Physical Therapists
- Registered Nurses
- Secondary and Postsecondary Teachers
- Veterinarians
- Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists
Unique Opportunities
Ripon College is here to provide unique experiences that will enhance your studies.
- Flora and Fauna of the Boreal Forest
More than 1/4 of the earth’s forests are boreal forests, but only 12% are protected. Learn what makes these forests special, and their deep history, flora and fauna. These forests are known as essential nurseries for more than 325 species of birds and are homes to the charismatic megafauna of our continent including wolves, bear and moose. Learn what threatens their existence and what is being done to protect them. Students will spend the first week on campus gaining background knowledge for the remaining two weeks at a field station located in the boreal forest. Activities include canoeing and hiking, while course expectations include field quizzes, independent projects, discussions with invited speakers and assigned readings. - Costa Rica
Costa Rica is known worldwide for its riches in biological diversity and its relative success in conserving them. Students will explore the source of Costa Rica’s rich biodiversity, current threats and conservation efforts. Visits to public and private reserves will include discussion of these different approaches to conservation. Discussions of assigned readings as well as of each day’s activities will occur. - Collaborative Research Opportunities
Research opportunities and internships, in collaboration with Ripon College professors, are available in areas such as avian ecology of eastern bluebirds, developmental biology, virology, aquatic ecology, neuroscience and more. Paid summer internships are available through our Summer Opportunities for Advanced Research (SOAR) Program, and often this collaborative work is published.
Kyle majored in biology and chemistry with a minor in leadership studies at Ripon before obtaining his doctor in veterinary medicine degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
"Throughout my four years at Ripon, I was provided with countless opportunities to expand my knowledge of the world, obtain experience working with people, lead student groups, and develop meaningful relationships with fellow students, staff and professors throughout all of campus. ...The experiences I had at Ripon helped shape me as a student and an adult."
Kyle Ruedinger '13
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Wolf River Veterinary Clinic
After majoring in psychobiology and studio arts at Ripon, Melissa earned her master's of science degree in animal behavior from Bucknell University and her Ph.D. from Texas A&M Natural Resources Insitute.
"I became aware of how extensive research is while learning about myself as a person and a researcher," Melissa says of her time at Ripon.
Melissa's current research in Finland is focused on viral and bacterial diseases carried by bats in Europe with a focus on the Nathusius's pipistrelle — a bat which has shown changes in its range resulting from climate change.
Melissa Meierhofer '11
Postdoctoral Researcher at Luomus Finnish Museum of Natural History and BatLab, Finland
Ripon College faculty and professional staff are dedicated to helping you reach your goals, whatever they may be and however often they may change along the way. It’s part of our value statement to you.
As a student at Ripon, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your area(s) of interest. You will meet with your faculty adviser throughout your time as a student to discuss your current aspirations, plan your course schedule and plot a future trajectory. We also work collaboratively with Ripon College Career and Professional Development to help match your interests and skills to concrete goals and construct a plan for professional success offering personalized career counseling, off-campus learning opportunities and an online job board with potential to connect with local, national and international employers.

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