medical professionals
Previously called chemistry-biology at Ripon College, the newly titled biomedical sciences major includes prerequisites for most medical professional programs as basic requirements. Combine this with the dedicated faculty mentors and sophisticated instrumentation available at Ripon, graduates of this program leave prepared to succeed in the medical and health sciences fields as clinicians or researchers.
Department Mission Statement
Modern chemistry is the study of matter and its transformations. Our department presents the theory, concepts and laboratory experiences of chemistry in an intimate environment that allows for the personal professional development of students through both individual and team-based approaches. The department’s program is framed within the liberal arts model where we consider multiple perspectives to enhance our understanding of phenomena. Throughout the chemistry curriculum, students advance in their problem-solving, critical thinking, laboratory safety, communication and ethical skills and become prepared for careers as productive scientists and for lives as responsible citizens.
The Department of Biology provides an intellectually challenging learning environment for students of the life sciences. In laboratory, field and discussions, students come to understand the foundations and diversity of life by posing meaningful biological questions, answering these questions through observation and experimentation, and presenting their findings to a wide audience. These experiences prepare students to make informed decisions in their daily life, to work in a range of careers, and to pursue advanced professional programs.
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship or Honorable Mention Winners in the Last 7 Years
Acceptance Rate into Ph.D. Graduate Programs (Tuition-Free, Salary Included)
5-YR AVG Acceptance Rate to Medical School

Kainz, Mark
Professor of Biology, Patricia and Philip McCullough Class of 1969 Professor in Biology

Edit Requirements for a Major in Biomedical Science | |
Core Courses | The basic core of required courses includes: BIO 122 Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity, 123 Molecules, Cells, and Genes; CHM 111 Organic Chemistry I, 112 Structure and Reactivity, and 211 Analytical Chemistry: Equilibrium and Quantitative Analysis; PHY 131 General Physics I: Mechanics and 152 Introductory Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism and Waves or PHY 131 General Physics I: Mechanics and 172 General Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism and Waves; MTH 201 Calculus I or higher-level calculus; and BIO 501 and 502 Senior Studies* or CHM 501 and 502 Departmental Seminar**. A senior thesis is required. *For students electing to take BIO 501 and 502 Senior Studies, MTH 120 Elementary Statistics or PSC 211 Research Design and Statistics and BIO 200 Scientific Writing and Communication or PSC 211-212 Research Design and Statistics are prerequisites. **For students electing to take CHM 501 and 502 Departmental Seminar, one writing prerequisite course is required from among the following: BIO 200 Scientific Writing and Communication, PSC 212 Research Design and Statistics, CHM 310, 334 Physical Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics or 414 Chemical Instrumentation, or another course approved by the instructor. |
Elective Courses | Students must also complete the following elective courses in Biology and Chemistry. Biology elective requirements: BIO 219 Genetics or 266 Cell and Molecular Biology Plus 2 courses in biology, 1 at the 300 level, selected from the following: BIO 210 Topics in Biology (Biophysics and Biomaterials, or Animal Diversity), 211 Human Anatomy and Physiology, 216 Vertebrate Zoology, 219 Genetics, 266 Cell and Molecular Biology, 312 Human Anatomy and Physiology II, 300 Department Studies (Biotechnology), 314 Microbiology, and 329 Developmental Biology. Chemistry elective requirements: 2 of the following courses: CHM 214 Organic Chemistry II, 321 Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, 334 Physical Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics or 422 Biochemistry. |
Career Tracks
An undergraduate degree in biomedical science can lead to careers in medicine, chemistry, veterinary science, nursing, pharmacology, business, law, teaching and environmental protection.
Many Ripon graduates in this program become doctors, nurses, pharmacists, environmental scientists, college and university professors, elementary or secondary teachers, corporate or academic researchers and lawyers.
Our graduates are enrolled in a variety of graduate programs and medical schools at some of the nation’s most prestigious research universities.
Baylor College of Medicine
Colorado State University
Duke University
Harvard University
Indiana University
Iowa State University
Miami of Ohio
Northwestern University
Penn State
Purdue University
University of Arizona
University of California-Irvine
University of Illinois
University of Iowa
University of Massachusetts
University of Minnesota
University of Oregon
University of Pennsylvania
University of Tennessee
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin
Washington State University
Yale University
Analytical Chemistry
Chemical Biology
Chemical Oceanography
Developmental Biology
Inorganic Chemistry
Materials Science
Molecular Biology
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Polymer Science and Engineering
Unique Opportunities
- Collaborative Research Opportunities
Research opportunities and internships, in collaboration with Ripon College professors. Paid summer internships are available through our Summer Opportunities for Advanced Research (SOAR) Program, and often this collaborative work is published. - National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
The purpose of this program is to ensure quality, vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The five-year fellowship provides three years of financial support inclusive of an annual stipend of $37,000 for graduate students. Ripon College faculty have a track record of success in working with interested students to secure this and other research grants. - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Oak Ridge Science Semester enables students to join ongoing investigations at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee in research areas as diverse as astrophysics, cell biology, DNA sequencing, genetic mutagenesis, parallel computing, robotics, toxicology and more.
Expect to Experience
- Hands-on research with state-of-the-art instrumentation used by students at all levels to conduct experiments and research across organic, inorganic, analytical and physical chemistry and in genetics, developmental biology, environmental biology, zoology and molecular biology
- One-on-one research opportunities with Ripon faculty, often resulting in publication and available for interested students regardless of major
- Opportunities to travel to National Conferences such as the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society or the Association for the Advancement of Science
- Personal advising and individualized course navigation, including study-abroad opportunities, to ensure your readiness for future career and educational goals
Leave Empowered To
Students who complete the biomedical sciences program graduate with the skills necessary to:
- Thrive in elite graduate programs and medical schools across the country from having experienced intense personal involvement with both science content and scientists
- Effectively communicate scientific concepts and results through both oral and written formats
- Become a critical reader of scientific journals, prepare and create experiments from this research, and work independently and in teams to effectively advance knowledge
- Leverage a vast professional network of alumni across the entire scientific space through personal professional contacts made available by our lifelong relationships with alumni
Brianna majored in chemistry-biology (now called biomedical science) and psychology at Ripon and is currently attending the Mayo Clinic Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (MPET) Ph.D. program.
"Your hard work will pay off in the end, especially when it comes to putting effort into maximizing academic performance and achieving future career goals. This year, I was accepted to my top-choice graduate program."
Brianna Bembenek '22
Ph.D. Student at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (MPET)
In his time at Ripon, Ray majored in chemistry-biology (now called biomedical science) and participated in the McNair Scholar's Program. Through this program he conducted research in cost-effective ways to raise zebrafish. He went on to earn a Ph.D. in biology with a minor in science & society from Duke University. As a postdoctoral researcher at UW-Madison's Center for Limnology at Trout Lake Station, his current research focuses on how a changing climate impacts the phenology of freshwater fishes in what is currently called Wisconsin.
"The research I’ve done, the career path I’m pursuing and the people I’ve gotten to know due to my McNair experience led to who I am today."
Ray Allen '15
Postdoctoral Researcher at UW-Madison’s Center for Limnology at Trout Lake Station
Ripon College faculty and professional staff are dedicated to helping you reach your goals, whatever they may be and however often they may change along the way. It’s part of our value statement to you.
As a student at Ripon, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your area(s) of interest. You will meet with your faculty adviser throughout your time as a student to discuss your current aspirations, plan your course schedule and plot a future trajectory. We also work collaboratively with Ripon College Career and Professional Development to help match your interests and skills to concrete goals and construct a plan for professional success offering personalized career counseling, off-campus learning opportunities and an online job board with potential to connect with local, national and international employers.

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