thoughtful balance of theory and practice
Ripon College’s Department of Communication received the 2014 Rex Mix Program of Excellence Award from the National Communication Association, recognizing the best undergraduate communication program in the United States.
The study of communication at Ripon is a thoughtful balance of theory and practice, designed to deepen understanding of the field and also to refine the ability to apply theories of communication to real-world situations. A degree in communication empowers students to become agents of change within society.
Total Credits:
32 credits
Edit Requirements for a Major in Communication Total Credits 32 Credits Core Courses:
CMM 115 Public Speaking, CMM 120 Interpersonal Communication, 348 Theories of Public Communication, either 336 Social Movement Communication or 352 Political Communication, 415 Strategic Communication Practicum, and 505 Rhetorical Criticism-Senior Thesis
Elective Courses:
12 additional credit hours in communication of which at least 8 must be at or above the 200 level.
Courses Under 200 Level:
112 Issues in Communication and 115 Public Speaking
Courses Above 200 Level:
212 Issues in Communication, 216 Advanced Public Speaking, 220 Communication and Sports in American Society, 236 Communication and the Environment, 248 Media and Society, 252 The First Amendment, 255 Crime, Incarceration, and Communication, 315 Speech Practicum, 336 Social Movement Communication, 348 Theories of Public Communication, 352 Political Communication, 415 Strategic Communication Practicum, 420 Applied Communication: Leadership Practicum, or 505 Rhetorical Criticism-Senior Thesis
Additional Criteria:
Communication majors are strongly encouraged to plan an internship in an area related to communication during their junior and/or senior years at the College. Some recent internships have been in the areas of advertising, social media marketing, sales, personnel management, event planning, news broadcasting, public relations and journal editing.
Total Credits:
20 credits
Core Courses:
CMM 115 Public Speaking, 348 Theories of Pubic Communication, and 415 Strategic Communication Practicum
Elective Courses:
Communication majors are strongly encouraged to plan an internship in an area related to communication during their junior and/or senior years at the College. Some recent internships have been in the areas of advertising, social media marketing, sales, personnel management, event planning, news broadcasting, public relations and journal editing.
Courses Under 200 level:
CMM 120 Interpersonal Communication, 112 Issues in Communication, 115 Public Speaking
Courses Above 200 level:
212 Issues in Communication, 216 Advanced Public Speaking, 220 Communication and Sports in American Society, 236 Communication and the Environment, 248 Media and Society, 252 The First Amendment, 255 Crime, Incarceration, and Communication, 315 Speech Practicum, 336 Social Movement Communication, 348 Theories of Pubic Communication, 352 Political Communication, 415 Strategic Communication Practicum, 420 Strategic Communication: Leadership Practicum and 505 Rhetorical Criticism-Senior Thesis
Additional Criteria:
8 additional credit hours in communication of which at least 4 must be at or above the 200 level.
Career Tracks
This flexible and adaptable degree will never become obsolete in a rapidly-changing global economy. Majoring in communication can lead to a wide range of job opportunities in areas such as: public relations, advertising and marketing, media and entertainment, social media, law, politics and many more.
Recent alumni are enrolled in graduate-level programs at such schools as Marquette University, Colorado State University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Southern California, Newcastle University (UK), Texas A&M University, the University of Georgia, the University of Utah and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Unique Opportunities
- On average, communication majors complete three internships. Fields of experience have included: advertising and marketing, social media management, personnel management, nonprofit consultation and fundraising, news broadcasting, journalism, and public relations.
- 100 percent of our alumni pursuing graduate education in communication have received full scholarships.
- Communication majors regularly present original research at state, regional and national conventions in the field of communication, providing tangible, professional public speaking experience and networking opportunities.
- Speakers Bureau empowers students to make a difference while developing advanced public speaking skills for local, state and national audiences.
- There are opportunities in speech, deliberation/debate, technology and media, including Ethics Bowl; College Days, Wisconsin’s oldest student newspaper; WRPN Radio; Crimson yearbook; Photogenesis; and Parallax literary magazine.
Through the Department of Educational Studies, Early Adolescence and Adolescence (Grades 6-12) teacher certification in speech is available.
Graduate Success
On average, communication majors complete three internships. More than 80 percent of graduates from Ripon’s Department of Communication are placed in their career of choice before graduation (90 percent within six months of graduation), and 100 percent of our alumni pursuing graduate education in communication have received full-ride scholarships.

Ripon College faculty and professional staff are dedicated to helping you reach your goals, whatever they may be and however often they may change along the way. It’s part of our value statement to you.
As a student at Ripon, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your area(s) of interest. You will meet with your faculty adviser throughout your time as a student to discuss your current aspirations, plan your course schedule and plot a future trajectory. We also work collaboratively with Ripon College Career and Professional Development to help match your interests and skills to concrete goals and construct a plan for professional success offering personalized career counseling, off-campus learning opportunities and an online job board with potential to connect with local, national and international employers.
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