culture shapes perception
Anthropology students are equipped with intellectual and practical tools to engage with diverse populations and to appreciate the importance of intercultural communication. This is a holistic and comparative approach to understanding the human condition – i.e. from a cultural, biological, linguistic and archaeological perspective.
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:
- Identify and provide examples of key anthropological tenets.
- Explain how culture shapes perceptions of and assumptions about the world.
- Utilize ethnographic research methods.
- Evaluate the ethical ramifications of anthropological research.
- Articulate information in coherent and organized ways.
- Synthesize multiple perspectives to offer a balanced and critical assessment of contemporary issues and world problems.


Clark, Jacqueline
Professor of Sociology, Helen Swift Neilson Professor of Cultural Studies and Chair of Sociology and Anthropology (Fall 24Semester)

Eaton, Marc
Professor of Sociology, Chair of Sociology, Anthropology Department and Chair of Sociology and Anthropology (Spring 2025 Semester)
Total Credits: 32 credits
Core Courses:
ANT 110 The Human Experience: How To Think Anthropologically, ANT 215 Ethnographic Field Methods, SOC 315 Sociological Theories, and ANT 502 Seminar in Anthropological Method and Theory.
Elective Courses:
Eight other credits in anthropology at the 200-level or higher, and eight additional credits in sociology at the 200 level or higher.
ANT 200 Departmental Studies, ANT 222 Anthropology and Contemporary Global Issues, ANT 224 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality:Cross-Cultural Views, ANT 232 Medical Anthropology, ANT 241 Societies of Africa, ANT Africa and Human Rights, ANT 300 Departmental Studies, ANT 314 Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft, ANT 327 Global Youth Cultures, ANT 335 Urban Anthropology, or ANT 502 Seminar in Anthropological Method and Theory
SOC 110 Introduction to Sociological Imagination, SOC 201 Social Problems, SOC 204 Sociology of Jobs and Work, SOC 205 Sociology of Deviance, SOC 210 Special Topics, SOC 216 Consumer Culture, SOC 300 Departmental Studies, SOC 301 Social Movements, SOC 302 Sociology of Health and Medicine, SOC 303 Death, Dying, an Bereavement, SOC 304 Sociology of Inequalities, SOC 305 Self and Society, SOC 306 Criminology, SOC 308 Public Sociology and Activism, SOC 309 Sociology of Religion, SOC 312 Sociology Through Film, SOC 315 Sociological Theories, SOC 401 Methods of Social Research, or SOC 502 Senior Seminar: Social Research
Additional Criteria:
Courses counted for credit toward the anthropology major may not also be counted for credit toward the sociology major except for ANT 215 and SOC 315. Courses counted for credit toward the anthropology major may not also count for credit toward the sociology minor except for SOC 315. Courses counted for credit toward the anthropology minor may not also count for credit toward the sociology major except for ANT 215.
Total Credits:
20 credits
Core Courses
ANT 110 The Human Experience: How to Think Anthropologically, ANT 215 Ethnographic Field Methods, and twelve other credits in anthropology.
Elective Courses
Twelve credits in anthropology: 200 Departmental Studies, 222 Anthropology and Contemporary Global Issues, 224 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality: Cross-Cultural Views, 232 Medical Anthropology, 241 Societies of Africa, 275 Africa and Human Rights, 300 Departmental Studies, 314 Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft, 327 Global Youth Cultures, 335 Urban Anthropology, or 502 Seminar in Anthropological Method and Theory
Career Tracks
A demonstrated anthropological emphasis indicates a commitment to diversity and intercultural communication. Anthropology offers exciting career opportunities in travel, social justice and working with people, and is fundamental to a well-rounded teaching degree in broadfield social studies certification. A degree in anthropology can lead to careers in research, teaching in university and museum settings, government, business, law, medicine and social services.
Recent graduates have gone on to graduate school programs in archaeology, cultural anthropology, public policy, public health, Native American studies and museum studies.
Unique Opportunities
Through the Department of Educational Studies, certification in sociology and in broadfield social studies are available for early adolescence/adolescence (grades 6-12)
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As a student at Ripon, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your area(s) of interest. You will meet with your faculty adviser throughout your time as a student to discuss your current aspirations, plan your course schedule and plot a future trajectory. We also work collaboratively with Ripon College Career and Professional Development to help match your interests and skills to concrete goals and construct a plan for professional success offering personalized career counseling, off-campus learning opportunities and an online job board with potential to connect with local, national and international employers.

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