Abstract Thinkers and Problem Solvers
The program serves two kinds of students: abstract thinkers who are drawn to mathematics’ structural beauty, and students who desire to use mathematics to solve real-world problems. Regularly scheduled courses, both theoretical and applied, are supplemented with independent study options tailored to students’ individual interests. Some students focus the greater part of their intellectual energy in mathematics alone, while others combine mathematics with another field, such as business administration, chemistry, biology, physics or economics. In fact, students have combined study in mathematics with every other major on campus.
Having a background in the mathematical sciences is highly valued in today’s workforce. Throughout the mathematical sciences curriculum, students will acquire technical skills, cultivate general problem-solving strategies, and develop the ability to communicate their solutions clearly, both in writing and in speech.

Munro Krull, Erin C.
Associate Professor of Mathematics and the Mark and Janice Franzen Professorship in Applied Mathematics

Scott, David W.
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Chair of Mathematical Sciences Department
Core Courses:
CSC 101 Introduction to Programming, MTH 206 Multiple Variable Calculus, 224 Linear Algebra, 248 Introduction to Proof through Discrete Concepts, 501 Senior Seminar I-502 Senior Seminar II
Additional Criteria:
at least 16 credits of mathematics courses numbered above 206 (excluding 401 Secondary Teaching Methods), at least eight of which are at the 400 level.
Note that while MTH 201 Calculus I and 202 Calculus II are not a part of the major, MTH 201 Calculus I or its equivalent is a prerequisite for MTH 202 Calculus II, which is a prerequisite for several courses in the major, particularly MTH 206 Multiple Variable Calculus. Students intending to study mathematics in graduate school should consult with their advisors about appropriate additional courses beyond a basic major.
18 credits in mathematics courses (excluding MTH 401), at least one of which is numbered 224 or higher. One of MTH 123 Finite Mathematics or MTH 120 Elementary Statistics is allowed; other courses must be numbered 201 or higher. A coherent program of courses should be designed in consultation with the minor advisor. At least half the credits must be taken at Ripon.
Core Courses:
Must fulfill the requirements for the Math Major and in doing so must take MTH 361, either 120 Elementary Statistics or 220 Data Analysis or 432 Mathematical Statistics, and 401 Secondary Teaching Methods. Students must also complete the secondary education major.
Career Tracks
Graduates successfully pursue careers in fields such as industry, insurance (as actuaries), government and finance. Many graduates may attend professional schools in law, medicine or business. Others may go directly into teaching or go on to graduate programs in mathematics, applied mathematics, engineering, economics and computer science.
Recent graduates hold job titles of Unix Systems administrator, math teacher, business analyst, data analyst, operator engineer, structural engineer, problem manager analyst, loan specialist, tech consultant, business process developer, director of information technology, and IT service management lead.
Unique Opportunities
Students at all levels can collaborate with faculty on independent research projects. Recent projects include analyses of the board games Monopoly and Chutes and Ladders, modeling the carp population in Green Lake, and using computer models to test for gerrymandering.Results from these collaborations have been published in professional journals. Students also have presented papers and posters at local and national conferences.
Active learning techniques are emphasized. Rather than simply presenting insights, interactive, collaborative class experiences are created to help students generate their own understanding of the material.
Recent projects include analyses of the board games Monopoly and Chutes and Ladders, modeling the carp population in Green Lake, using computer models to test for gerrymandering, and work in neuroscience.

The department has a unique layout of offices opening off a large library/lounge equipped with whiteboard tables, chalkboards, and easy chairs. Also opening off this area is a student-centered learning classroom equipped with whiteboards, whiteboard tables, and multiple projection screens which students can plug their laptops into.
Ripon College faculty and professional staff are dedicated to helping you reach your goals, whatever they may be and however often they may change along the way. It’s part of our value statement to you.
As a student at Ripon, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your area(s) of interest. You will meet with your faculty adviser throughout your time as a student to discuss your current aspirations, plan your course schedule and plot a future trajectory. We also work collaboratively with Ripon College Career and Professional Development to help match your interests and skills to concrete goals and construct a plan for professional success offering personalized career counseling, off-campus learning opportunities and an online job board with potential to connect with local, national and international employers.

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