The Department of Music, in partnership with the Department of Educational Studies, offers a Music Education major that can lead to state certification as a music teacher. The major itself does not automatically lead to a teaching credential. To receive state certification, students must complete the Music Education major and additional Educational Studies classes.

All of the classes focus on practical, real-world skills that will transfer directly to the student’s first classroom. The Department of Music works with students as individuals and in groups to develop performance skills and knowledge of music theory, history and literature. Music students share a personal relationship with faculty whose work as teachers, performers and scholars keeps them and their students in touch with the realities of today’s musical world.

The Music and Educational Studies departments also work together to ensure students have outstanding clinical and student teaching placements and complete their degrees in four years (if they start the program their first semester). All of the full-time music faculty have public school teaching experience and enjoy close relationships with music teachers in local school districts. The faculty also works closely with students after graduation to help them find a job.

Education Preparation Program Report Card : Annual Report

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Sheet music

Ripon College students to perform music recital April 30

A Ripon College student recital featuring student performers nominated by applied music faculty, will be held Tuesday, April 30. The recital will begin at 4:15 […]

Lawn concert at Harwood Memorial Union

Enjoy outdoor lawn concert by Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Rally Band, Jazz Ensemble May 1!

Ripon College will presents its annual Spring Lawn Concert Wednesday, May 1. Featuring the Jazz Ensemble, Symphonic Wind Ensemble and Rally Band, the concert will […]

Benjamin Cabala '24

Ben Cabala ’24 will present senior flute recital April 27

Ben Cabala ’24 of Madison, Wisconsin, will present his senior flute recital Saturday, April 27, at Ripon College. The program will begin at 4 p.m. […]


Bryan, Erin K.

Associate Professor of Music, Voice Area Coordinator and Chair of Music

Jessica Jensen posing with her trumpet

Jensen, Jessica A.

Adjunct Instructor of Music (Brass)

Deb MacKenzie

MacKenzie, Deb

Adjunct Instructor of Music (Piano)

William Nelson

Nelson, William

Adjunct Instructor of Music (Single Reeds)

Polcyn, Sandra

Adjunct Instructor of Music (Double Reeds)

Sackman, Marc

Adjunct Instructor of Music (Flute)

Toby Shucha Portrait

Shucha, Tobin C.

Assistant Professor of Music

Stephan, Charles

Adjunct Instructor of Music (Low Strings)


Ripon College faculty and professional staff are dedicated to helping you reach your goals, whatever they may be and however often they may change along the way. It’s part of our value statement to you.

As a student at Ripon, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your area(s) of interest. You will meet with your faculty adviser throughout your time as a student to discuss your current aspirations, plan your course schedule and plot a future trajectory. We also work collaboratively with Ripon College Career and Professional Development to help match your interests and skills to concrete goals and construct a plan for professional success offering personalized career counseling, off-campus learning opportunities and an online job board with potential to connect with local, national and international employers.

Advising at Ripon


Requirements for a Major in Music Education
Total Credits 72-82 credits
Prerequisites Music Education majors must pass five semesters of MUS 010 Recital Attendance
Elective Courses The Music Theory sequence ; Music History cluster MUS 112-World Music; six semesters of applied lessons, not including piano lessons or lessons at the 050 level ; six semesters of ensembles; and EDU 421-Student Teaching: Music OR MUS 500 (students may elect either a seminar paper or recital option) - note that the MUS 500 option does NOT lead to state certification for licensure.

Music Theory Sequence

(MUS 121 Music Theory I, 123 Aural Skills I, 221 Music Theory II, 223 Aural Skills II, 225 Music Theory III and 227 Aural Skills III) and Music History Cluster (MUS 330 Departmental Studies, 331 and 332)

Music History Cluster

MUS 260:01, MUS 260:02, MUS 260:03, MUS 260:04, MUS 260:05, MUS 260:06, or MUS 265 Diction for Singers; MUS 270 Introduction to Music Eduction; MUS 280 Music Technology; MUS 302 Elementary School Music Methods; MUS 306 Middle and High School Music Methods; MUS 334 Conducting I; MUS 335190:xx)

Lessons and Ensembles

Lessons: 050 level (MUS 100 Group Voice Class, 140 Intermediate Voice Lessons, 240 Advanced Voice Lessons, 150:xx, or 250:xx); 4 semesters of piano (MUS 102 Class Piano I, 150:09 or 250:09)

Ensembles: (MUS 190:xx);
Section 1. Jazz Combo Dietrich
Section 2. Concert Choir P. Thompson
Section 3. Choral Union P. Thompson
Section 4. Chamber Singers P. Thompson
Section 5. Jazz Ensemble Dietrich
Section 6. Orchestra Grine
Section 7. Symphonic Wind Ensemble Shucha
Section 8. Rally Band Shucha
Section 9. Chamber Winds Shucha
Section 11. Brass Ensemble Jensen
Section 12. Guitar Ensemble Cramer

Additional Criteria The completion of the Music Education major does not automatically lead to a teaching credential. To receive state certification as a music teacher, students will need to complete the Music Education major and take the following Educational Studies classes: EDU 190 School and Society; EDU 260 Diversity in American Education; EDU 270 Differentiated Instruction; EDU 311 Literacy Development in Middle/Secondary Schools; EDU 320 Clinical Block: Student Practicum in Teaching (Students should enroll in MUS 302 and EDU 320 concurrently.); EDU 421- Student Teaching: Music

Career Tracks

A major in Music Education culminates in student teaching and certification. As a result of their learning in classes, individual lessons and ensembles, graduates are well-prepared to teach in K-12 schools. Music majors from Ripon College have successfully pursued careers in the following:

  • Public school and studio teaching
  • Performance
  • Higher education
  • Church music
  • Other professional fields

Unique Opportunities

  • Certification in music is available for grades K-12. This allows the educator to teach instrumental music, choral music, and general music.
  • Students of any discipline can participate in Chamber Singers, Choral Union, Jazz Ensemble, Symphonic Wind Ensemble and Orchestra, some on the basis of audition.
  • Chamber Singers tours annually over spring break.


Choral Union

Choral UnionRipon College’s Choral Union is open to students, faculty, staff, and community members and presents at least one concert per semester. Through the ensemble’s repertoire, singers are exposed to a variety of musical styles, time periods, languages, instrumental collaborations, and high-quality texts. Additionally, Choral Union frequently performs with other ensembles. Recent collaborations not only include the college’s orchestra and Chamber Singers, but also the Green Bay Civic Symphony. Highlights of the 2014–15 season include Brahms’s Schicksalslied, Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb, and Thompson’s Frostiana. Please contact Dr. John C. Hughes, Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities, for more information ([email protected]; 920.748.8788).

Chamber Singers

Chamber SingersChamber Singers is Ripon College’s premier choral ensemble and is open to students of all majors through a rigorous audition process. Chamber Singers primarily performs advanced unaccompanied literature; however, instruments occasionally join in performance. The ensemble presents at least one major concert per semester, as well as several other concerts on and off campus as musical ambassadors for the college. In January 2017, Chamber Singers will tour four Midwestern cities. Please contact Dr. John C. Hughes, Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities, for more information ([email protected]; 920.748.8788).

Jazz Ensemble

Jazz EnsembleThe Ripon College Jazz Ensemble is a big band that plays music from the earliest jazz through the most contemporary jazz styles. From within the group, a number of different jazz combos perform as well on the two major Jazz Ensemble concerts each year. Development of improvisation skills is a major goal of the group. The Jazz Ensemble also performs on a pops concert each year and occasionally at off-campus events.

Symphonic Wind Ensemble

Choral Union The Ripon College Symphonic Wind Ensemble is made up of brass, winds and percussion. In recent years, the group has had approximately 50 to 55 members. It is largely a student group, although there are a few community members. The group performs two major concerts each year, as well as a pops concert and a concert of small ensemble music. Literature ranges from band classics from throughout the 20th century to transcriptions of music from other media, marches and lighter fare.


OrchestraUnlike many schools its size, Ripon College has a long-standing, vital College Orchestra. Made up of students and community members, the group puts on two concerts a year that feature orchestral works from all of the style periods of Western music. Concerts often feature guest soloists. Children’s concerts are another type of event that the orchestra puts on with some regularity.