The educational studies department at the College has two main goals: to promote the study of educational processes, institutions and thought; and to prepare highly qualified teachers for elementary and secondary classrooms. Courses and programs examine education as an essential and complex social process that occurs in formal and informal teaching-learning situations. While the department is dedicated to the preparation of effective teachers, we invite and encourage other students to take courses to develop greater understanding of educational issues and concerns.

This minor is designed for students who are interested in educational issues or working with children. It does not lead to teacher licensure.  

Students will take 20 credits, including the following educational studies courses: School and Society, Psychological Foundations of Education, Diversity in American Education, Differentiated Instruction: Approaches for the Classroom Teacher, Philosophical and Social Issues in Education, and an additional elective course.

Education Preparation Program Report Card : Annual Report

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Latest News

Progression of solar eclipse

Ripon helping members of the public experience upcoming eclipse on April 8

A public Eclipse Viewing Event will be held April 8 by The Society of Physics Students and the Ripon College departments of physics and education […]

Meredith Thiessen ’26, left, and Hannah Brockman ’24

Conference attendance allows education students to share ideas with those in the field

Hannah Brockman ’24 of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, and Meredith Thiessen ’26 of Stoughton, Wisconsin, attended the 2023 Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers (WAFLT) conference in […]

Nicholas Eastman named new Pieper chair, presents at conference in Italy

Nicholas Eastman, associate professor of educational studies, has been named the new Pieper Chair of Servant Leadership at Ripon College. The Suzanne and Richard Pieper […]


Amira Albagshi

Albagshi, Amira

Assistant Professor of Educational Studies

Eastman, Nicholas

Associate Professor of Educational Studies, Pieper Family Chair in Servant Leadership

Knoester, Matthew

Professor of Educational Studies, Chair of Educational Studies Department

Jean Rigden Portrait

Rigden, Jean

Director of Teacher Education

Herve Some Portrait

Some, Touorizou Herve

Associate Professor of Educational Studies


Ripon College faculty and professional staff are dedicated to helping you reach your goals, whatever they may be and however often they may change along the way. It’s part of our value statement to you.

As a student at Ripon, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your area(s) of interest. You will meet with your faculty adviser throughout your time as a student to discuss your current aspirations, plan your course schedule and plot a future trajectory. We also work collaboratively with Ripon College Career and Professional Development to help match your interests and skills to concrete goals and construct a plan for professional success offering personalized career counseling, off-campus learning opportunities and an online job board with potential to connect with local, national and international employers.

Advising at Ripon


Requirements for a major in Educational Studies (Early Childhood through Middle Childhood - EC/MC - ages birth-11): In addition to an approved major in a liberal arts discipline outside of educational studies and general education requirements for licensure, each student must complete EDU 190, 245, 250, 260, 270, 275, 281, 338, 348. EDU 320 and student teaching (EDU 435, 441* and 571) must be completed to qualify for teacher licensure. EDU 150 also is required to qualify for licensure. PSC 235 is recommended as a supporting course for this major.

Requirements for a major in educational studies (Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence - MC/EA - ages 6-11/12): In addition to an approved major in a liberal arts discipline outside of educational studies and general education requirements for licensure, each student must complete EDU 190, 245, 250, 260, 270, 281, 316, 338, 348. EDU 320 and student teaching (EDU 441, 451* and 571) must be completed to qualify for teacher licensure. EDU 150 also is required to qualify for licensure. PSC 235 is recommended as a supporting course for this major.

Requirements for a minor in educational studies (EA-A - grades 6-12 and PK-12 in Art, Music, Physical Education, Health, Spanish, French, or Theatre): In addition to an approved major and general education requirements for licensure, each student must complete EDU 190, 250, 260, 270, 316, 344, and the instructional methods course/s in their teaching major/s and minor/s. EDU 320 and student teaching (EDU 451, 461*, and 571) must be completed to qualify for teacher licensure. PSC 242 is recommended as a supporting course for this program. EDU 242: Integrated Arts Education is recommended as a supporting course for the Art, Music and Theatre education programs.

Requirements for PK-12 licensure in art education: Students must complete general education requirements for licensure, the requirements for a major in studio art (see notes on the major in the art section of the catalog), and the minor in educational studies. Students must work with the art advisors to arrange to take teaching methods course work (ART 354 and 356) and clinical experiences (Sec. Ed. 366) through the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. In addition, each student must qualify for and satisfactorily complete EDU 320 and a semester of student teaching (491* and 571) at Ripon College. EDU 242: Integrated Arts Education is recommended as a supporting course for the art education program.

Requirements for PK-12 licensure in music education: Students must complete general education requirements for licensure, the requirements for a teaching major in music (choral, instrumental or general) and the minor in educational studies. In addition, each student must qualify for and satisfactorily complete EDU 320 and a semester of student teaching (EDU 421* and 571).

Requirements for PK-12 licensure in physical education and health (optional): Students must complete general education requirements for licensure, the requirements for a teaching major in exercise science, school-based physical education, and the minor in educational studies. In addition, each student must satisfactorily complete EDU 320 and a semester of student teaching (EDU 431* and 571). Completion of a teaching minor in health is recommended. * Students may substitute EDU 481 for 6 credits/nine weeks of their student teaching placement.

Requirements for certification in English as a Second Language (ESL): In addition to an approved major, each student must complete a licensure program; and EDU 329, 330, 331 and LIN 332. In addition, one of the two student-teaching placements must be completed in an ESL setting.

Broad Field Programs in social studies is available for students certifying at the early adolescence through adolescence level in a related field. The requirements for these programs are listed in the catalog section for each major.

Career Tracks

Ripon graduates have success finding teaching jobs, in part, because faculty work closely with them to plan programs and conduct job searches geared toward current employment trends. Some Ripon graduates with teacher certification have worked abroad in the Peace Corps or used their teaching skills in educational programs in service and business settings. Master’s degree-level programs enable students to add areas of certification such as special education, early childhood education and bilingual/bicultural education.

Unique Opportunities

  • Student-teaching options include area schools; student-teaching in another country; The Chicago Center for Urban Life and Culture Teach Chicago! Program; and student-teaching at Navajo Reservation schools in Utah, New Mexico or Arizona.
  • The Liberal Arts InFocus: Arts Integration for Teachers is a weeklong exploration of how Chicago teachers and professional artists integrate theatre, music, art and dance into classroom teaching.

Clinical Supervisors

Thank you for choosing to assist the Ripon College Educational Studies Department in preparing effective teachers for 21st-century students. We realize the time and effort you put into this task and appreciate your contributions.

To assist you in providing oversight for clinical students and/or student teachers, please refer to the information below. You will find general information about Ripon’s Department of Educational Studies as well as specific information pertaining to each clinical experience. Each box includes:

  1. Expectations for the experience.
  2. Appropriate evaluation forms.
  3. Department contact information.

Again, thank you for your assistance in educating tomorrow’s teachers!


Ripon College’s Educational Studies Faculty

Be A Teacher

While it certainly is true that good teachers are always in demand, it also is true that changes in the economy, government funding for education, regional population shifts and family lifestyles affect employment trends for teachers. Ripon graduates have success finding teaching jobs, in part, because faculty work closely with students to help them plan programs and conduct job searches geared toward current employment trends.

Some Ripon graduates with teacher certification have elected to take advantage of opportunities for work abroad in the Peace Corps. Others are using their teaching skills in service and business settings. An increasing number of agencies and institutions seek teachers to staff their educational programs.

An additional career route for certified teachers is graduate school. Master’s degree-level programs enable students to add areas of certification such as special education, early childhood education and bilingual/bicultural education. Such specialized expertise often opens new opportunities for securing a teaching position.