Category: Presidential Leadership Program

Sophomores present papers at humanities conference

Brooklyn Landgraf ’21 of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, and Dakota Marlega ’21 of Waupaca, Wisconsin, presented papers at the Streamlines undergraduate humanities conference Nov. 10. The conference was held at Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa. The papers both related to Don Quixote. The English translation of Landgraf’s paper is “Skepticism: The search for the truth in Don […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Presidential Leadership Program, Research, Student.

Roundtable event to address State of Politics at Ripon College

The State of Politics at Ripon College, a roundtable event featuring speakers from the faculty and administration of Ripon College, members of the student body, and members of the Ripon community, will be held Nov. 7 at the College. The open discussion will begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room, S.N. Pickard Commons, on […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Faculty, Political Publications, Presidential Leadership Program, Student.

Dakota Marlega ’21 earns scholarship for government studies

Dakota Marlega ’21 of Waupaca, Wisconsin has received a 2018 Wisconsin Women in Government scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to undergraduate women who wish to pursue careers in public service, public administration or governmental affairs. The program offers three $3,000 scholarships in the Wisconsin College System: one each to a student in a UW school, […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Presidential Leadership Program, Student.