Category: Student

Ripon College choirs to perform Choral Collage Concert Feb. 16

Ripon College’s choirs will honor members of the senior class during the Choral Collage Concert Sunday, Feb. 16 at 3:15 p.m. in Demmer Recital Hall, C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts. The concert will feature all three of the College’s campus choral ensembles: Chamber Singers, Choral Union and Concert Choir. Each choir will sing a […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Fine Arts, Homepage Featured, Music Performance, Student.

Backer to discuss conservative environmentalism Feb. 26

Benji Backer, founder and current executive chairman of the American Conservation Coalition (ACC), will discuss his new book “The Conservative Environmentalist: Common Sense Solutions for a Sustainable Future” Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 6 p.m. at Knuth Brewing Company (upstairs) 230 Watson St., Ripon. The book talk is sponsored by Ripon College’s Center for Politics and […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Social Responsibility, Special Event, Student, Sustainability.

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” play auditions to be held Jan. 22-23

RIPON, Wis. – Ripon College’s theatre department is hosting open auditions and a crew call for a touring production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” in the Benstead Theatre in the C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts on Jan. 22-23 from 7-9 p.m. The play, written by Shakespeare, features four young lovers – Hermia, Lysander, Helena […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Fine Arts, Student.

Kaleb Schroeder to perform senior vocal recital Nov. 23

Kaleb Schroeder of Iron Ridge, Wisconsin, is performing his senior tenor vocal recital in the Benstead Theatre of the C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts at Ripon College Saturday, Nov. 23 at 5 p.m.   He will be accompanied by Adjunct Instructor of Music Deb MacKenzie on piano. Admission is free and open to the public. […]

Posted by Ric Damm in Fine Arts, Student.

Ripon College Ethics Bowl team competes at regional competition

Six students from the Ripon College Ethics Bowl team competed in the Upper Midwest Regional Ethics Bowl Nov. 16 at the University of Chicago.  The Ripon team ended the competition with one win and three losses. The first round was against the University of Chicago, which Ripon lost 0-3. Round two was against Carleton College, […]

Posted by Ric Damm in Student.

Ripon biology students win awards for research at WiSER conference

Ripon College’s biology senior seminar students took home awards for their research at the inaugural WiSER conference in early October. WiSER is a consortium of science educators in higher education from across Wisconsin that is focused on exposing students to research. This year’s conference was at Medical College of Wisconsin and involved undergraduates, master’s students, […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Student.

Ripon College’s theatre department to present “The Thin Place” Nov. 6-9

RIPON, Wisconsin – Ripon College’s theatre department is putting on the play “The Thin Place” by Lucas Hnath in the Benstead Theatre in the C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts Nov. 6-9, with doors opening at 7 p.m. for daily 7:30 p.m. showtimes. “I only pick plays that I am completely riveted by,” Assistant Professor […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Fine Arts, Special Event, Student.

Ripon’s poet-in-residence to read poetry at Lane Library open house

Readings on Midwest landscapes RIPON, Wisconsin – Max Schleicher, Ripon’s poet-in-residence, will be giving a poetry reading at an open house at Lane Library at Ripon College on Saturday, Nov. 9. from 1-3 p.m.  Schleicher’s poetry typically explores the topic of landscapes in Wisconsin and the upper Midwest. “In these poems, I wander through the […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Fine Arts, Special Event, Student.

Ripon College Announces Articulation Agreements for Direct-Entry Master of Science in Nursing

with Alverno College, Carroll University, Elmhurst University, Johns Hopkins University, and Rosalind Franklin University Ripon College is pleased to announce new articulation agreements with five institutions—Alverno College, Carroll University, Elmhurst University, Johns Hopkins University, and Rosalind Franklin University—that will provide streamlined pathways for Ripon students to pursue a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). The […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Admission, Blog, Student, Uncategorized.

Ripon College to host first Ceresco Prairie Celebration Sept. 7

Ripon College will host its first Celebration of the Ceresco Prairie Conservancy Saturday, Sept. 7, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. High school students from across the state are invited to participate in STEM- and music-specific activities, while the greater Ripon community is encouraged to participate in any of the day-long activities. The day culminates […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Special Event, Student, Sustainability.

Lia Haile ’26 honored for work in community service

Lia Haile ’26 of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, has been inducted into the Carson Scholars Alumni Hall of Fame. The Carson Scholars Fund awards scholarships based on students’ high levels of academic excellence and community service. Haile is a three-time Carson Scholar. Haile was cited for her dedication to serving the most vulnerable populations in her community. […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Social Responsibility, Student.

Servant Leadership Fellows program launched for students

A new Servant Leadership Fellows program has been announced by Nicholas Eastman, Pieper Chair of Servant Leadership and associate professor of educational studies. A cohort of students will be selected annually for the yearlong program that will include an academic course in the theory of servant leadership in the fall; followed by a servant leadership […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Social Responsibility, Student.

Article by Patrick Willoughby, student collaborators published in journal

Associate Professor of Chemistry Patrick H. Willoughby and three of his students contributed to an article published in Chemistry: A European Journal. Contributors to “Nitrene C−H Bond Insertion Approach to Carbazolones and Indolones, and a Reactivity Departure for 7-Membered Analogues” included Alexis M. Piette ’26 of Ripon, Wisconsin; Samuel P. Trzebiatowski ’25 of Custer, Wisconsin; […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Faculty, Research, Student.

Stage management crew of ‘The Spitfire Grill’ wins certificates of merit

The stage management crew for the Department of Theatre’s spring 2024 production of “The Spitfire Grill” was awarded certificates of merit from the Kennedy Center/American College Theatre Festival Region 3. The crew, shown counterclockwise from front left: Liliana Sevilla ’26 of Chugiak, Alaska; Maricarmen Dorantes ’25 of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Jasmine Greuel ’27 of Oshkosh, Wisconsin; […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Fine Arts, Student.

Natalie McNeely ’25 earns scholarship to advance biology, environmental studies

Natalie McNeely ’25 of Neenah, Wisconsin, has received a scholarship from the Garden Club of Greater Milwaukee. The competitive scholarship is awarded to students in Wisconsin pursuing studies in plant or horticultural sciences. “I am thankful to receive the scholarship as it will help me to further my studies and pursue a career as an […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Student.

Madeline Adler ’25 earns scholarship, named Ripon’s Greek President of the Year

Madeline Adler ’25 of Tomah, Wisconsin, has received an undergraduate scholarship from Order of Omega. She was recognized for her involvement in Greek life, academic achievements and leadership on campus. Also she was named Greek President of the Year at Ripon College. Adler has served many positions in Greek life at Ripon. She is president […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Student.

Psychobiology student Calysta Kurz ’24 presents poster at national conference

Calysta Kurz ’24 of Oconto, Wisconsin, joined Associate Professor of Psychology Julia Manor in attending the recent Comparative Cognition Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Kurz is majoring in psychobiology. She presented a poster relating to “Relationships Between Empathy Measures in Dogs” that she and other students completed in Manor’s lab. Other Ripon students contributing to […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Research, Student.

Work of professor, students presented at cognitive development conference

Professor of Psychology Kristine A. Kovack-Lesh and two 2023 Summer Opportunities for Advanced Research (SOAR) students attended the biennial meeting of the Cognitive Development Society in Pasadena, California, in March. Ryan Davis ’24 of Fredericksburg, Texas, and Jacoby Cefalu ’25 of Hartland, Wisconsin, presented their poster “Exploring emotional contagion for dogs to early adolescents and […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Faculty, Research, Student.

Greta M. Mahler ’25 is first author on published paper detailing laboratory exercise

A paper by Greta M. Mahler ’25 of Athens, Wisconsin, and Barbara Sisson, associate professor of biology, has been published in the journal Zebrafish. “Teaching Fin Regeneration Using a Dominant Negative Receptor” is included in the education issue of the journal. It details a laboratory exercise Sisson conducted with her Developmental Biology course students. The […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Faculty, Research, Student.

Ripon College students to perform music recital April 30

A Ripon College student recital featuring student performers nominated by applied music faculty, will be held Tuesday, April 30. The recital will begin at 4:15 p.m. in Demmer Recital Hall, C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts. Admission is free and open to the public. Performers will include: Rori Beatty ’26 of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, soprano Valerie […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Fine Arts, Music Performance, Student.