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Getting Started

The following resources are helpful places to start at the beginning of the research process.

Chemistry reference books

Online resources

  • Credo Reference: A great starting point for research projects. Search in hundreds of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations, and subject-specific titles, as well as 200,000+ images and audio files, and nearly 200 videos.
  • Discovery Search: Search books, e-books, and articles in one place.
  • Dynamic Periodic Table: An interactive periodic table.
  • The Merck Index Online: Contains over 11,500 monographs – including historic records not available in the print edition of the index. Regularly updated by experts from the Royal Society of Chemistry.


The following databases and journals are useful places to search for chemistry-related articles. Contact a librarian if you would like more information on how to search for articles on your specific topic.



Search for journals that cover chemistry-related topics by using our Publication Finder tool. You can search for specific journals by title, subject, and more.

Getting articles from other libraries

If you cannot find a full-text version of the article you need, request it through interlibrary loan. Interlibrary loan is a free service that allows you to borrow books and articles from other libraries.


Books from Lane Library

Search for books in our collection through Lane Library’s catalog. You can find books with chemistry-specific subject headings below:

Discovery Search: Search books, e-books, and articles in one place.

Books from other libraries

WorldCat: Search for books not available at Lane Library and borrow from other libraries for free through interlibrary loan.

Writing Guides and Citations

Andrew Prellwitz

Prellwitz, Andrew

Librarian-User Services and Director of Lane Library

[email protected]