Matthew Knoester publishes book examining multicultural and bilingual schools

Associate Professor of Educational Studies Matthew Knoester is the co-author of a new book. “Learning to Cross Divides: Examining Critical Multicultural and Bilingual Schools” was published by Routledge in July. “Education for bilingualism and intercultural competence is valuable in multicultural societies like the U.S. and Israel/Palestine,” Knoester says. “This book looks closely at schools carrying […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Faculty, Research.

Study examines how educational experience impacts voting

“Inquiry into the educational implications of voting practices of young adults in U.S. mid-term elections,” a paper co-written by Matthew Knoester, associate professor of educational studies, has been published in The Journal of Social Studies Research. “This study examines political attitudes and experiences of young adults in the United States, with particular focus on voting practices,” […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Faculty, Research, Student.

Transitioning to online classes from a teacher’s perspective

Transitioning to an online class format for the first time in the middle of a semester was a challenge for faculty and students alike. One of those faculty members making adjustments was Matt Knoester, associate professor of educational studies. His three classes for the spring semester, “Who Decides? International Perspectives on Democracy,” a first-year Catalyst […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, COVID-19, Faculty, Student.

New book by Matthew Knoester receives national recognition

A recent book by Matthew Knoester, associate professor of educational studies, has been recognized by the American Educational Studies Association. Beyond Testing: Seven Assessments of Students and Schools More Effective than Standardized Tests received a Critics’ Choice Book Award. The co-author is Deborah Meier, an educator and a strong advocate of the school reform movement. […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Faculty.

Ripon receives National Science Foundation grant to study quantitative reasoning

A team of Ripon College faculty has received a National Science Foundation grant of $297,715 for the project “Building Capacity for Interdisciplinary Quantitative Reasoning Instruction.” The grant award, number DUE-1822414, is funded through the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources solicitation. Principal investigators of the project are Andrea Young, special assistant to the […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Faculty, Funding.