Spring 2020 Semester, Ripon College Response to Coronavirus | March 18, 2020

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Dear Students,

I ask that you read this update very carefully as it contains important information about the spring 2020 semester, including classes, your access to the residence halls and other campus facilities.

  1. Classes: All classes will move to an online format, effective Monday, March 30. You should await instruction from the Dean of Faculty as to how to proceed with coursework. Some classes may not be able to translate to an online format. We will work with these individual situations to find possible solutions.
  2. Health Services: Health services will be available in limited hours through the remainder of the week.  We ask that you call Health Services at 920-748-8141. For any call that needs to be made after hours, please call Ripon Medical Center at 920-748-3101. A healthcare provider will give you instructions on how to proceed.
  3. Technology Needs: Only if you have technology or internet needs at home, please fill out the survey here.  This survey must be submitted by 8 am on Friday, March 20.
  4. Campus Spaces: The Willmore Center and Lane Library are closed until further notice. Access to all common buildings will be limited.
  5. Residence Hall Closures: All residence halls will be closed effective by the end of the day on Monday, March 23 with the following exceptions:
      • Students wishing to remain on campus beyond March 23 must fill out a NEW request to stay in the residence halls by 8 am Friday, March 20 via this survey. Permission will only be granted to those who can demonstrate extraordinary circumstances.
      • Students granted permission to remain on campus will be notified by noon on Friday, March 20.
      • Students who are granted permission will be relocated from their current residence hall room and will not have access to full dining services.
  1. Move-Out Instructions: In order to minimize the contact between people and maintain appropriate social distancing, students are strongly encouraged to leave their personal belongings in place until a later date. Please contact Mark Nicklaus ([email protected]) if you wish to keep belongings in your residence hall room.

If you are on campus and wish to move out immediately (Wednesday, March 18/ Thursday, March 19), you can drop your keys in the collection box in your residence hall.

If you are not on campus and do not wish to leave your belongings in your room, you must comply with the following guidelines if you wish to move your personal belongings this week:

      • Students with the last names beginning with A-G may move out on Saturday, March 21.
      • Students with the last names H-O may move out on Sunday, March 22.
      • Students with the last names P-Z may move out on Monday, March 23.

We will allow only a certain number of people inside the residence halls at one time. Students are asked to minimize the number of people helping them remove their belongings and take all appropriate precautions and social distancing measures while inside the building.

Willmore Center will be open for athletes who wish to clear out their lockers and return equipment and uniforms from Saturday-Monday.

  1. Refunds: We are awaiting guidance from the federal government regarding appropriate procedures for possible refunds for room and board for the second half of spring semester. No decisions about refunds have been made at this time.
  2. Student Services: Important resources, including Franzen Center, Student Support Services, Counseling Services, Career & Professional Development, and Student Life will still be available, albeit in an online context.  We will be working hard to continue the residential experience while you are not here with us on campus. Please visit our information page for additional resources, information items and FAQs.

As some of you know, I have a great love for Italy and spent last spring on sabbatical in Milan and Cremona, two cities that have been hard hit by the coronavirus in recent weeks. There are two catch phrases that have emerged from the Italian response to the virus that I ask you to keep in mind in the coming days: resto a casa “I am staying at home” and tutto andra’ bene “Everything is going to work out all right.

The administration, staff and faculty are here to help you in the weeks ahead so that you can continue your education in weeks and months ahead.


Zach Messitte