From Particles to Galaxies
Interact with, measure and explain systems in the universe from subatomic particles to galactic clusters by working together in the classroom and the lab to answer questions posed by nature. Learn to apply the principles of physics to concerns of society, coming to an appreciation of the beauty and subtlety of the universe.
Physics majors also have the opportunity to participate in the 3-2 Dual-Degree program, an accelerated degree option for engineering.
Department Mission Statement
The Ripon College Department of Physics engages students in the understanding of the physical world and enhances students’ awareness of the critical role of physics in modern society. The department equips students to identify and effectively implement the scientific method, critically analyze scientific arguments, identify and solve analytic problems, synthesize complex information and communicate effectively both orally and in writing through the study of physical phenomena.
Average student to faculty ratio
of recent grads opted to do a summer research experience
Core Courses:
PHY 131 General Physics I: Mechanics, 172 General Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism and Waves , 251 General Physics III: Modern Physics, Optics and Thermodynamics, 330 Advanced Mechanics, 340 Electricity and Magnetism, two semester of physics seminar (PHY 501 Senior Seminar, 502 Senior Seminar)
Elective Courses:
plus eight additional credits in courses numbered above 300 (excluding 401), with four of those credits from an experimental or laboratory course
Additional Criteria:
In senior seminar, students will complete a substantial research project that culminates in a written thesis as well as a seminar presentation. Students majoring in Physics may not major in Physical Science.
Core Courses:
Students seeking to participate in a 3-2 Dual Degree program in engineering with a major in physics must fulfill the requirements for the major and additionally, must complete MTH 206 Multiple Variable Calculus, MTH 343 Differential Equations, CSC 101 Introduction to Programming and CHM 111 Organic Chemistry I (or CHM 112 Structure and Reactivity) to be eligible for the program. The requirement of two semesters of physics seminar (PHY 501 Senior Seminar, 502 Senior Seminar) is waived for students who enroll in a 3-2 program for their fourth year.
Total Credits:
22 credits in Physics
Core Courses:
PHY 131 General Physics I: Mechanics, 172 General Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism and Waves, and 251 General Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism and Waves and Thermodynamics
Elective Courses:
Eight additional credits in Physics courses numbered above 300 are required, with at least four credits coming from a non-experimental/non-laboratory course
Additional Criteria:
Cross listed courses cannot count toward the Physics minor. Students majoring in Chemistry, which requires PHY 131 General Physics I: Mechanics and 172 General Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism and Wave, can still count those credits toward the Physics minor.
Core Courses:
Students interested in teaching physics need to complete the secondary education major and the science education licensure requirements which include: a major or minor in biology, chemistry, physics, or environmental studies and the following courses: BIO 122 Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity, 123 Molecules, Cells, and Genes, 211 Human Anatomy and Physiology I, CHM 111 Organic Chemistry I , 112 Structure and Reactivity, ENV 120, PHY 131 General Physics I Mechanics,152 Introductory Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism and Waves, and EDU 337.
Career Tracks
Work in occupations like:
- Aerospace Engineers
- Architectural and Engineering Managers
- Computer and Information System Managers
- Computer Programmers
- Electronics Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Physicists
- Postsecondary Teachers and Education Administrators
Unique Opportunities
Collaborative Research Opportunities
Research opportunities and internships, in collaboration with Ripon College professors. Paid summer internships are available through our Summer Opportunities for Advanced Research (SOAR) Program, and often this collaborative work is published.
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
The purpose of this program is to ensure quality, vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The five-year fellowship provides three years of financial support inclusive of an annual stipend of $37,000 for graduate students. Ripon College faculty have a track record of success in working with interested students to secure this and other research grants.
Collaborative Research Opportunities
Research opportunities and internships, in collaboration with Ripon College professors. Paid summer internships are available through our Summer Opportunities for Advanced Research (SOAR) Program, and often this collaborative work is published.
Forge Your Own Path
Independent study in physics offers students the opportunity to receive college credit for work on individual projects. These projects may be research collaborations with faculty or problems of particular interest to the student. Outside support is available for some areas of study. For example, the NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Scholarship Program provides support for qualified students taking part in aerospace studies.
Featured Alumni
Larry decided early on in his college studies that he wanted to pursue aeronautics. After majoring in physics and mathematics at Ripon, he received his master of science degree in aeronautics from George Washington University. His tenured career at NASA, which started in 1990, has culminated in recent awards: the NASA Engineering and Safety Center Director's Award and the NASA Exceptional Service Medal.
In addition to giving him a "hunger for taking on challenges," Larry says that his Ripon College education has developed his abilities to comprehend, think and communicate. "This has served me extremely well throughout my career from when I was designing hardware and acquiring unique data … to the more managerial and leadership roles which I currently perform."
Larry Huebner '83
Mission Manager within NASA's Technology Demonstration Missions Program Office
As the fourth generation of her family to attend Ripon College, Julia made the most of her time on campus, majoring in chemistry and physics with a minor in mathematics.
“For me, being a Legacy student is something I’m proud of, although not the main reason I chose Ripon. I came to Ripon because I had the chance to meet some of the professors, and between the community and the professors’ willingness to challenge us as students, I was excited to come.”
Julia is continuing her education with the goal to achieve a doctorate in materials science and engineering.
Julia Goeks '21
Graduate Student at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Ripon College faculty and professional staff are dedicated to helping you reach your goals, whatever they may be and however often they may change along the way. It’s part of our value statement to you.
As a student at Ripon, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your area(s) of interest. You will meet with your faculty adviser throughout your time as a student to discuss your current aspirations, plan your course schedule and plot a future trajectory. We also work collaboratively with Ripon College Career and Professional Development to help match your interests and skills to concrete goals and construct a plan for professional success offering personalized career counseling, off-campus learning opportunities and an online job board with potential to connect with local, national and international employers.

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