Computer studies at Ripon lead to analyst position at Mayo Clinic for David Daugherty ’18

Studies at Ripon College led to a career in computer science for David Daugherty III ’18. Daugherty is an analyst programmer on the Enterprise Data Programming Services unit for Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He will be transferring to the Scottsdale, Arizona, campus in January 2020. In his job, he primarily uses SQL code to […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Alumni.

Chamber Singers, Choral Union to perform fall concert Sunday, Nov. 3

The Ripon College Chamber Singers and Choral Union will perform Sunday, Nov. 3. The concert will begin at 3:15 p.m. in Demmer Recital Hall, C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts. John C. Hughes is the conductor, and Deb MacKenzie is the accompanying pianist. Admission is free and open to the public. Choral Union will perform […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Fine Arts, Music Performance.

Sustainability in the workplace focus of panel at Ripon College Feb. 27

A panel of sustainability experts will be featured at a meeting of the Wisconsin Association of Energy Engineers (WAEE) at Ripon College Feb. 27. The panel will discuss sustainability in the workplace, sustainability job market and opportunities for students. Both the meeting and the panel are open to the public. The event will run from […]

Posted by Dale Devries in Special Event, Sustainability.