Category: Student
A Statement from the Inclusion Audit Committee (IAC)
The Inclusion Audit Committee (IAC) submits to President Messitte and Administrative Council recommendations based on collected data, research, and thoughtful conversations throughout the summer of 2020. The Committee has put forth in this document three recommendations for the recruitment and retention of students, and three recommendations for the recruitment and retention of employees, in addition […]
Posted by james in Administration, Diversity, Office of the President, Staff, Student.
Preston Wurtz ’22 carries on a family tradition of attending Ripon College
As a virtual Family Weekend kicks off this week, we will be recognizing some of our Legacy students, those who had a family member or members who previously had attended Ripon. Details about the weekend can be found at Preston Wurtz ’22, a junior from Ripon Wisconsin, says, “My brother’s experience made me realize […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Alumni, Student.
‘Spoon River’ outdoor performances combine theatre, music
“Spoon River,” an hour-long outdoor performance of music and theatre, will be presented Thursday, Sept. 24, through Sunday, Sept. 27, at Ripon College. Live performances will be open only to members of the Ripon College community. Performances will begin at 5 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 1:30 p.m. Sunday on the north lawn of Harwood […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Fine Arts, Music Performance, Student.
CPP grant allows Rhett Cunningham ’22 to learn inner workings of campaign
Rhett Cunningham ’22 of Ripon, Wisconsin, gained experience working with a primary election campaign over the summer with assistance from a CPP Fellowship Grant for student interns in public policy or politics from the Center for Politics and the People at Ripon College. He worked for the Committee to Elect Luke Dretske. Dretske ’21 was […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Internships, Student.
Ripon College is celebrating Latinx Heritage Month through Oct. 15
The Ripon College Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI), along with La Unida, is celebrating Latinx Heritage Month through Oct. 15. The term Hispanic or Latinx refers to Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. On the 2010 Census form, people of Spanish, Hispanic and/or Latino origin […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Diversity, Student.
International student learns about U.S. elections with a CPP internship grant
Through an internship this summer, Hanan Majid ’22 worked with Nate Zimdars (D), who is running for the 41st district of the state assembly. To help support the internship, Majid received a CPP Fellowship Grant for student interns in public policy or politics from the Center for Politics and the People at Ripon College. His […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Internships, Student.
Summer research allows Kirsten Funk ’21 to work collaboratively with professors
Despite restrictions because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kirsten Funk ’21 of Menasha, Wisconsin, was able to participate in two summer research opportunities. Through the Keck Graduate Institute of Claremont, California, Funk was part of the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program that was held virtually this year, with “with lab assistance being our hands within […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Faculty, Research, Student.
Updates Regarding Commencement 2020
Dear Class of 2020 Alumni, When I wrote to you and your families in April regarding the postponement of the 2020 Ripon College Commencement, I informed you that we would be able to move forward with the rescheduled October ceremony only if public health authorities and College policies deemed it appropriate. After consulting with the […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Alumni, Commencement, Office of the President, Student.
Online fellowship provides research experience for Addison Lindsey ’21
A summer fellowship through the Associated Colleges of the Midwest Graduate School Exploration Fellows program has provided valuable experience for Addison Lindsey ’21 of Nunica, Michigan. The fellowship was supposed to take place at a Big Ten school for 10 weeks, but because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the fellowship was transferred to a 10-week online […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Research, Student.
Adapted research strategies bring unexpected benefits and insights for Kiera Robe ’21
Conducting research during the era of COVID-19 was challenging, but also brought unexpected benefits, says Kiera Robe ’21 of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. During the summer, Robe was a research assistant for Julia Manor, associate professor of psychology. She worked mostly from home, but because part of her duties involved taking care of the rat lab, she […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Internships, Research, Student.
Noah Fish ’21 finds career focus through summer internship as a graphic designer
A summer internship with the Wisconsin Rapids Rafters baseball club taught Noah Fish ’21 a lot about himself, Fish says. Fish, a communication and exercise science-sports management major from Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, discovered the graphic design internship opening online and applied with the assistance of Career and Professional Development Center staff and his advisors at […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Internships, Student.
Internship shows inner workings of local government to Michael Cohoon ’21
Michael Cohoon ’21 of Union Grove, Wisconsin, was able to take part in the political process thanks to a CPP Fellowship grant for student interns in public policy or politics from the Center for Politics and the People at Ripon College. He interned for the City of Kenosha (Wisconsin) Clerk’s Office. He set up the […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Internships, Student.
Work as an immigration intern solidifies career goals for Nhi Le ’21
The passion to become an immigration attorney was solidified this summer for Nhi Le ’21 as she served a remote internship with the International Rescue Committee in Baltimore, Maryland. Her experience was supported by a $1,500 CPP Fellowship grant from the Center for Politics and the People for student interns in public policy or politics. […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Internships, Student.
Abby Korb ’20 recalls campaign encounter with Sen. Kamala Harris
In the summer of 2018, Abby Korb ’20 of Burlington, Wisconsin, had a personal experience with Kamala Harris, D-Calif., the newly named running mate of presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Korb was working for the re-election campaign of Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., supported by a Internship Supplemental Grant from the Center for Politics and […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Alumni, Internships, Student.
Reunite Ripon: Our Plan To Return To In-Person Learning
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the College when on-campus classes resume Monday, August 17. Over the course of the summer, a dedicated team of faculty, staff and administrators has been planning for our return while ensuring that we can safely preserve our learning community and personalized education. They have studied the best […]
Posted by james in Health & Safety, Office of the President, Student.
Update from One Merriman Lane | Introducing Sage Dining Services
Dear campus community, I am pleased to announce that the College is partnering with SAGE Dining Services® to offer improved food service beginning this fall. We selected SAGE after a competitive national process that took place during the spring. SAGE, founded in 1990, is the leading food service provider for independent schools and private colleges […]
Posted by james in Office of the President, Student.
Update from One Merriman Lane | Supporting Our International Student Body
Dear Ripon College community, As someone born outside of the United States, who holds dual citizenship and has studied and worked in several different countries, I personally believe in the fundamental importance of education and experiences that cross borders. I strongly condemn the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s guidance issued earlier this week that limits […]
Posted by james in Office of the President, Student.
Kourtney Camm ’22 appointed to Wisconsin Leadership Institute board
Kourtney Camm ’22 of Evansville, Wisconsin, has been appointed to the board of directors of the Wisconsin Leadership Institute, headquartered at Ripon College. She is currently a summer intern for the institute, helping with market research, social media strategies and other tasks. She is earning both a scholarship and course credit for her summer work, […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Internships, Student.
Update from One Merriman Lane | Improving Ripon’s Diversity and Inclusion Practices
Dear Ripon College community, The murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the protests around the nation and the world in the past three weeks have delivered a long overdue message that institutions (and the individuals that lead and work within them) need to go beyond words of support and find solutions to become better […]
Posted by james in Diversity, Office of the President, Student.
Transitioning to online classes from a teacher’s perspective
Transitioning to an online class format for the first time in the middle of a semester was a challenge for faculty and students alike. One of those faculty members making adjustments was Matt Knoester, associate professor of educational studies. His three classes for the spring semester, “Who Decides? International Perspectives on Democracy,” a first-year Catalyst […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, COVID-19, Faculty, Student.