The Intern Diaries: Reshma McHale

Reshma McHale is a senior from Shorewood, Wisconsin majoring in Politics and Government and Anthropology. She is interning with Pavich Law Offices in Chicago this summer. She is one of four Ripon College students sharing their stories of research internships and jobs over the course of this summer.

Welcome to the Fish Bowl

Reshma McHaleHave you ever wondered what it feels like to be a fish stuck in a small bowl? The answer is probably not; well let me inform you it’s very similar to navigating a foreign city with numerous people walking past you. I experienced this feeling during my first day of the internship. This summer I will be interning with Pavich Law Offices in Chicago, IL. The office is located in what Chicagoans call the Loop, not far from the Sears Tower (Willis Tower), the Daly Center or the Federal Building. On the first day I arrived to the office on time, however the person who was suppose to introduce me to my co-workers was stuck in a meeting with no particular end date. Rather than standing in the lobby of the building I set out to find a coffee shop, preferably with free Wi-Fi. As I walked around the city looking for a Starbucks, turns out they aren’t on every corner, I felt that everyone on the street knew with one glance that I am not native to Chicago. I imagine that is what a fish stuck in a small bowl feels like.

Fast forwards a few days, I’ve noticed that my co-workers are very patient while explaining things, and maneuvering the streets to get from point A to B is no longer the problem. Instead, the new issue at hand is that pedestrians do not have the right of way, cars do. I cannot count, nor would I be inclined to because the number is staggering, the number of people who have almost been hit by a car due to their lack of observation of their surroundings.

This city is filled with the type of people I like to call “the go-getters.” These “go-getters” are individuals who rather than waiting for opportunities set out to discover what the city can offer. They may be people who are focused on personal or professional growth, sometimes forgetting that they’re not above stopping for a crosswalk, or that cars are larger than their egos and will damage the mind and body. Maybe you’d like a more logical approach, claiming the individual didn’t look up from their cellphone to realize numerous cars are present. I prefer “the go-getters” because those are the people who will progress society by developing new innovative ideas.

Overall, I am looking forward to continued exploration of the beautiful city’s offerings. Check out some of my recent photos below.

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To read more from Reshma and our other summer bloggers, click HERE.
