Band Icarus Account performs Friday at 314 in downtown Ripon

The band The Icarus Account will perform at 8:30 p.m. Sept. 9 at 314: Ripon College Project Space, 314 Watson St., in downtown Ripon.

The band features Ty and Trey Turner, twin brothers from Florida who write and record music. Their albums include Over the Moon (2016), Girls Like You (2014), Carry Me Home (2012), Keeper of Your Heart (2011), Sunshine and Rain (2011), Love is the Answer (2009), Mayday (2008) and Hold On for Dear Life (2007).

The appearance is hosted by the Ripon Live of Ripon College.

Artwork by Alejandro Becerra will also be featured at 314. Becerra, who was born in Mexico, owns the South of the Border restaurant in Oshkosh. He is a prolific painter of large abstractions that are inspired by the interconnected fragments of the mind, body and soul.