We’re still here: Austin Bunders ’20

For the fall semester of 2020, Austin Bunders ’20 of Almond, Wisconsin, will be completing student teaching and finishing his last season of football for Ripon.
He is majoring in physical education with minors in health and coaching. He is planning on a career in teaching and coaching.
“The most important thing I’ve learned from my time at Ripon is that perseverance is essential to success,” Bunders says. “Tough things are going to happen in life. You must surround yourself with the right people who will help you and be able to adapt to what is happening around you.”
While he is away from campus for the end of this spring semester, Bunders says he is finding other ways to stay in shape and continue workouts for football and track. “It feels very odd to be home and continue classes,” he says, “but staying on top of coursework and managing my time that way has helped a lot.”