We did it together! #OneDayRally 2020 smashes records

The worldwide Ripon College community came together in this era of social distancing to smash all previous records for the annual #OneDayRally giving day.
With more than three hours remaining on Wednesday, April 29, the online campaign reached 100 percent of its donor participation goal of 1,851.
As #OneDayRally came to a close after 18 hours and 51 minutes, a record $1,918,598 was raised for the Ripon Fund and the new Emergency Assistance Fund, which is supporting the unanticipated needs of our students because of COVID-19. There were a record 2,015 donors, 108% of goal. This was an additional 569 donors over #OneDayRally 2019.
Key highlights include:
- 308 Game Changers, who helped us inspire participation and new gifts through unique challenges.
- 63% of donors were alumni who gave to Ripon College.
- 2% of donors were current students who gave to Ripon College.
- 7% of donors were parents who donated to Ripon College.
- 7% of donors were employees (faculty and staff) who donated to Ripon College.
- 5% of donors were friends who donated to Ripon College.
- 16% of donors did not indicate affiliation.
Top three classes for total donors:
- 1978, 63 donors
- 2019, 52 donors
- 2000, 52 donors
Top three classes for total dollars raised:
- 1983: $499,064
- 1973: $411,750
- 1972: $361,361
Donors represented all 50 states and several foreign countries, including Canada, the Dominican Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Panama, Singapore and the United Kingdom.