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A recent USA Today article associates various social determinants of health (SDOH) with the systemic
oppression of minorities in the United States. While the article focuses on racism as a public health
crisis, it also describes various barriers to determinants like education, economic status, employment,
and housing that can inequitably impact minorities. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
groups SDOH into five general domains—Economic Stability, Education Access and Quality, Health Care
Access and Quality, Neighborhood and Built Environment, and Social and Community Context—that
impact the public and can lead to inequities and health disparities. This topic challenges you to explore
how social determinants of health affect minorities. Identify a specific problem related to a SDOH that
you find significant, study it in-depth, and develop an innovative proposal to address it. Your goal is to
present a well-researched, evidence-based, and objective solution to your chosen problem, and to
educate your audience about its significance.

Getting Started

Credo Reference

Credo Reference provides hundreds of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, and more in one place. Below is a sample of articles in Credo Reference related to this topic.

Determinants of health

Determinants of health and disease

Public health

Inequities of health 

Call Numbers and Subject Headings

You can use the list of call numbers and subject headings below as keyword searches in our catalog and databases, or you can go to these sections of the library to find books on these topics.

Dental public health—United States

Poor children—Dental care—United States

Poor—Dental care—United States

People with disabilities—Dental care—United States

Health services accessibility

Children—Dental care

Equality—Health aspects—United States

Chronic diseases—United States—Prevention

Medical policy—United States

Public health surveillance—United States

Health status indicators—United States

Medical policy

Sexual minorities—Medical care—Southern States

Sexual minorities—Mental health services—Southern States

Discrimination in medical care—Southern States

Discrimination in mental health services—Southern States

Homophobia in medical care—Southern States

Homophobia in mental health services—Southern States

Sexual minorities—Mental health—Southern States

Indigenous peoples—Health and hygiene

African American women—Medical care

African American women—Health and hygiene

Public health—Social aspects

Discrimination in medical care

Ethnic groups—Medical care—United States

Health services accessibility—United States

Minorities—Medical care—United States


Books from Lane Library

All books in this list are located either in the Franzen Center on Floor 3A or are e-books.

Poor families in America’s health crisis | Franzen Center South Wall Display

The path of American public policy: comparative perspectives | Franzen Center South Wall Display

Heart-sick: the politics of risk, inequality, and heart disease | Franzen Center South Wall Display

Improving access to oral Healthcare for vulnerable and underserved populations | e-book

Framing the dialogue on race and ethnicity to advance health equity: proceedings of a workshop | e-book

Living well with chronic illness: a call for public health action | e-book

Queering public health and public policy in the deep south | e-book

Indigenous public health: improvement through community-engaged interventions | e-book

Black women and public health: strategies to name, locate, and change systems of power | e-book

Social injustice and public health | e-book

Teaching cultural competence in nursing and health care: inquiry, action, and innovation | e-book

Race, ethnicity, and health: a public health reader | e-book

Books from other libraries

WorldCat: Search for books not available at Lane Library and borrow from other libraries for free through interlibrary loan.



The following databases are useful places to search for animal related articles. Contact a librarian if you would like more information on how to search for articles on your specific topic.

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If you cannot find a full-text version of the article you need, request it through interlibrary loan. Interlibrary loan is a free service that allows you to borrow books and articles from other libraries. Find answers to frequently asked questions about ILL here.

Government sources, Statistics, Websites

Government sources

United States Department of Health and Human Services

Center for Disease Control: Health Equity

Health equity in healthy people: 2030

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities


Prellwitz, Andrew

Librarian-User Services and Director of Lane Library

[email protected]