New Student Orientation Activities

August 27th: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm @ Various locations across campus

The following events are designed to get new students acquainted with campus, and are required for all new first-year and transfer students:

  • 8 – 9 a.m.            Breakfast | Pickard Commons
    New students will converse about the transition to college with their assigned Orientation Committee member.
  • 9 – 10 a.m.          Resource Tour with OC Small Groups | Upper Campus
    Take a personalized tour of campus and learn the location of important campus services like the Registrar’s Office, Health Services/Counseling, The Franzen Center and the Student Activities Office (SAO).
  • 10 a.m. – noon  New Student How-To Guide | Great Hall, Harwood Memorial Union
    The transition to college brings with it all sorts of new experiences and learning opportunities. New students will spend time with professionals from around campus learning about the resources available to ensure a safe and healthy start to their Ripon experience. Content warning: federally-mandated Title IX/sexual misconduct policy training is part of this program.

Check out the Welcome Week schedule of events to see more activities designed to welcome you to Ripon College!

Upcoming Events


Narcan Training

Great Hall
Fond du Lac County will be coming in to do Narcan training for those interested.[...]

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

MLK Lounge
A reading from Where Do We Go From Here? by Martin Luther King Jr.

Welcome Back Career Tabling

Commons Lower Lobby
Stop by and meet a student Career Ambassador and grab a welcome back treat![...]

MLK Spirit Awards

MLK Lounge
Celebrating MLK Day by honoring those who demonstrate leadership qualities like Dr. King.[...]

IFC Game Night

The Spot
IFC will be hosting a game night inviting independent males to come out and become interested in Greek Life especially Fraternities. There will be all sorts of different games. This event is targeted to show what Greek Life at Ripon College is all about.