Silent Spring 50 years later: saving bird species in a changing world.

September 17th: 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm @ Bear Auditorium Farr 130

Dr. Jeffrey R. Walters, Harold Bailey Professor of Biological Sciences at Virginia Tech will speak about his career in bird conservation. Dr. Walters’ research focuses on avian behavioral ecology and conservation biology. He has worked with a number of endangered species around the world, most notably the red-cockaded woodpecker in the southeastern United States. In relation to global change he studies how habitat loss affects dispersal behavior and other aspects of population dynamics, as well as impacts of climate change on populations. Dr. Walters is also actively engaged in the science-policy interface, frequently serving on panels that evaluate relevant science to inform important policy decisions, and in management applications of research. Current research efforts in his laboratory include studies of the evolution of cooperative breeding, effects of habitat fragmentation on movement, and restoration of ecosystems and endangered species populations.

Dr. Walters will be visiting Ripon via Zoom. His lecture is open to the public.

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