Young Receives Grant for Undergraduate Research
Andrea Young, assistant professor of mathematics and computer science, has received a grant from the Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics for the 2014-2015 school year.
The grant will provide Young a stipend, fund four undergraduate research positions to work with Young through the academic year, and cover the costs for Young and the students to travel to the Student Research Conference at Brigham Young University (BYU) in March 2015. It will also fund Young’s travel to a faculty workshop at BYU in May 2014.
In addition, Young was recently selected to present a mini-course, “Improv in the Math Classroom,” at the national Joint Meetings of the American Math Society and Math Association of America in Baltimore, January 15-18.
An article on the same topic, “Improv in the Math Classroom,” she wrote for the May 2013 edition of PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies has been selected by the journal’s editors as a “editor’s choice” article, now available in a special issue of the journal and viewable online here.
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