Wallace Co-authors Articles, Textbook Chapter

Professor Bob WallaceRobert Wallace, professor of biology at Ripon College, recently presented and published a number of articles and has others currently in press.

He is one of five authors who contributed to a presentation at a meeting of The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, “Coloniality in rotifers: Implications for survival and fitness,” in Austin, Texas in January. Wallace also contributed a review of Wetland environments: a global perspective by J. Sandusky, F. Pavri, & S. Ward Aber that appeared in the August, 2013 edition of Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries.

His forthcoming works include co-authored articles entitled “Nestedness in sessile and periphytic rotifer communities: A meta-analysis” and “Rotifers of temporary waters,” which will appear in the International Review of Hydrobiology.

In addition, he has collaborated with professor Terry Snell from Georgia Tech and Hilary Smith, a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Notre Dame on a chapter about rotifers in a forthcoming textbook: Freshwater Invertebrates.

In addition, Wallace was recently invited to lecture on aquatic ecology to students in the postgraduate program at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

To learn more about Professor Wallace and Biology at Ripon College, CLICK HERE.
