Colucci examines news coverage during COVID-19 national crisis

“How Coronavirus felled ‘Woke” – for now,” an opinion piece by Lamont Colucci, associate professor of politics and government, was published today on

He discusses how the stories and news shared with the publicduring the COVID-19 crisis have been shifted “by a segment of the population with a desperate desire to control and manipulate the First Amendment.”

While covered topics include religion, trade, the stock market, unemployment and the direction of the economy, he asks, “What have we not seen?

“There is no serious person today that is addressing what one could call woke concerns.

“These include, but are not limited to, concerns about pronouns or labels-mislabeling in general, white male patriarchy, social justice warrior activism, or spending on a myriad of dubious woke monetary programs that do not help people in economic need.”

Avoiding these topics is telling, Colucci writes. “If one’s issue is not essential during times of stress and turmoil, how essential is it when things are normal?”

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