Paper by Umer Hussain published in European Sport Management Quarterly

A new research paper co-written by Assistant Professor of Business and Sports Management Umer Hussain has been published by European Sport Management Quarterly (ESMQ).

In “The Muslim community and sport scholarship: a scoping view to advance sport management research,” Hussain and Dr. George Cunningham from the University of Florida conducted a scoping review about till-date research on Muslim communities across the globe in the realm of sport (i.e., social sciences and humanities).

The abstract reads: “Researchers have previously underscored the importance of understanding how people from different backgrounds engage in sport. This recognition, coupled with a variety of socio-political factors (e.g. Muslim population immigration to the West, the war against terrorism, Muslim women athletes’ growing sport participation, and mega-events hosted by Muslim majority countries), have spurred an increased interest in exploring Muslim community’s sport participation. Nevertheless, a review and integration of this scholarship are missing. The purpose of this paper was to conduct a scoping review of the extant research focusing on the Muslim community in sport.”

The authors conclude, “This scoping review implies scholars should look for new avenues of research in the future concerning the Muslim community within the sporting realm. Further, researchers need to unveil and dismantle Eurocentric biases in the extant sport scholarship related to the Muslim community.”

In the field of sport management, ESMQ is ranked in the top three journals.

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