Harvard professor to discuss artificial intelligence, political theory Oct. 26 at Ripon College

Mathias Risse

Harvard University Professor Mathias Risse will talk about his new book “Political Theory of the Digital Age: Where Artificial Intelligence May Take Us” Thursday, Oct. 26, at Ripon College. The Center for Politics and the People presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m. in Kresge Little Theatre, East Hall, on the campus. Admission is free and open to the public.

With the rise of far-reaching technological innovation, from artificial intelligence (AI) to Big Data, human life is increasingly unfolding in digital lifeworlds. While such developments have made unprecedented changes to the ways we live, our political practices have failed to evolve at pace with these profound changes.

Risse establishes a foundation for the philosophy of technology, allowing us to investigate how the digital century might alter our most basic political practices and ideas. He engages major concepts in political philosophy and extends them to account for problems that arise in digital lifeworlds, including AI and democracy, synthetic media and surveillance capitalism and how AI might alter our thinking about the meaning of life.

Risse is a native of Westphalia, Germany, and received a Ph.D. from Princeton in 2000. He taught in the department of philosophy at Yale University before coming to Harvard in 2002 and is now the Berthold Beitz Professor in Human Rights, Global Affairs and Philosophy.

His work primarily consists of questions of ethics, decision theory and 19th-century German philosophy, revolving around issues with global justice ranging from immigration to climate change, obligations of future technology to future generations, human rights, inequity and taxation.

He is the author of “On Global Justice” (2012), “On Justice” (2020) and “Global Political Philosophy” (2020), as co-author of “On Trade Justice” (2019) and “Holding Together: The Hijacking of Rights in America and How to Reclaim Them for Everyone” (2022).

The event at Ripon College is co-sponsored by the Ripon College Computer and Data Sciences program and the Department of Philosophy.