Category: Academics
Ripon No. 1 in state, No. 15 in nation for economics program
Ripon College has placed first in the state of Wisconsin and 15th in the nation among all colleges and universities offering economics programs. The 2019 rankings for top economics programs was published by Economics programs were considered based on outcomes data as reported by the Department of Education, academic and career resources for economics […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Rankings.
Ripon College’s new graduates urged to be respectful of all points of view
At the 152nd Commencement ceremony at Ripon College Sunday, 171 students received their diplomas and became new graduates. With the theme of “Civil Discourse and Dialogue,” the ceremony honored three special guests. Judy Woodruff, anchor and managing editor of PBS NewsHour, received an honorary degree and delivered the Commencement address. Rep. Joan Ballweg, who represents […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Administration, Social Responsibility, Special Event.
Awards Convocation recognizes outstanding achievements of faculty, staff and students
Each year, thanks to the support of generous donors, Ripon College is able to recognize the outstanding achievements of faculty, staff and students at the annual Awards Convocation. 2018 Award Recipients Achievement Award in Anthropology: Holly I. Erickson Achievement Award in Art and Art History: Madeline G. Hantzsch Achievement Award in Biology: Hannah F. Brodner, […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Faculty, Student.
Ripon College students compete in regional business pitch competition
Two Ripon College teams comprising four students each competed Wednesday, April 11, at The Pitch, a regional competition among students from Lawrence University, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Green Bay and St. Norbert College modeled similarly to the ABC show “Shark Tank.” Ten teams participated in the all-day event held at Timber Rattlers Stadium in Appleton. The two top […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Student.
Seniors present showcase research April 17
Ripon College’s 2018 Senior Showcase will take place Tuesday, April 17, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. with an awards presentation beginning at 8 p.m. in the C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts. The Senior Showcase is a campus-wide celebration of excellence, which recognizes the dedication and passion that senior students bring to their scholarly […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Research, Student.
Student panel to discuss government’s role in managing data and privacy
A panel of three Ripon College students will discuss the use of data and its intersection with privacy at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 17, in Kresge Little Theatre of East Hall. The discussion, sponsored by the College’s Center for Politics and the People, also will explore the relationship between big business and government. Panelists will […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Student.
Computational chemistry research connects students with real-world application
Todd Petersen ’19 of Emerald, Wisconsin, presented research at the Midwest Undergraduate Computational Chemistry Consortium (MU3C) conference, hosted at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The research was conducted during the summer with Associate Professor of Chemistry Joe Scanlon in collaboration with Assistant Professor of Chemistry Patrick Willoughby. Using computational chemistry, which simulates reactions using […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Faculty, Research, Student.
Franzen gift establishes new professorship in applied mathematics
Ripon College has received a gift from alumni Mark and Janice Franzen ‘83 ‘83 to establish a new endowed professorship in applied mathematics. The Franzen professorship will support a full-time, tenured or tenure-track professor in applied mathematics and provide faculty development funds, and equipment and resources to support the teaching of mathematics. “Mark and Janice […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Alumni, Faculty.
Robert Enright ’17 becomes National Science Foundation Fellow
Robert Enright ’17 of Stevens Point, Wisconsin is a recipient of the 2018 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award. The NSF received over 12,000 applications; just 2,000 applicants were awarded. Emily Cliff ’17 of Seattle, Washington, received an honorable mention. The NSF GRFP “helps ensure the vitality of the human resource […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Alumni.
Colucci shines spotlight on North Korean-Syrian complicity in Washington Times article
Associate Professor of Politics and Government Lamont Colucci published an opinion piece March 28 in The Washington Times titled “How North Korea flouts international sanctions.” In the article, Colucci highlights key findings from a not-yet-released U.N. Security Council report dated March 1, 2018, which explains in detail how North Korea and other rogue nations are […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Faculty, Political Publications.
PBS NewsHour Anchor Judy Woodruff to deliver keynote at Ripon College Commencement, May 13
Judy Woodruff, anchor and managing editor of PBS NewsHour and a journalist for more than four decades at CNN, NBC and PBS, will provide the keynote address and receive an honorary degree at Ripon College’s 152nd Commencement ceremony May 13. Wisconsin State Rep. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) also will receive an honorary degree as well as […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Administration, Special Event.
Dean of Faculty Ed Wingenbach quoted in published articles
Vice president and dean of faculty Ed Wingenbach was quoted in an article in the Feb. 12, 2018, edition of GW Hatchett, a student newspaper of George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The article examined the benefits of scaling back large introductory lectures for freshmen students to smaller courses, vs. the expense of necessitating more […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Administration, Faculty.
Ripon College’s Catalyst curriculum referenced by Inside Higher Ed
Ripon College and its Catalyst curriculum were featured in an article, “Beyond Box Checking,” Jan. 29, 2018, in Inside Higher Ed. The article focused on a panel, “From Content to Inquiry: How Three Liberal Arts Colleges Radically Reimagined General Education,” presented Jan. 26 at the annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Faculty.
Liberal Arts in Focus: Biodiversity in Costa Rica, Journal Entry #4
Our time at La Selva has been filled with excitement. From the moment we arrived and felt the heat outside, to the last few moments we enjoyed today, all of us have learned a lot and had amazing opportunities here. Our days have consisted of hikes, tours and individual research. Though every moment was spectacular, […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Student.
Liberal Arts in Focus: Biodiversity in Costa Rica, Journal Entry #3
At the halfway point in our trip, it was time to leave our cloud forest behind and head to the lowland forest of La Selva. We packed our bags, said goodbye to our mammal friend — the Coati — and journeyed down the road. As we headed to Lake Arenal, the largest manmade lake in […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Student, Uncategorized.
Liberal Arts in Focus: Biodiversity in Costa Rica, Journal Entry #2
¡Buenos Dias! On the morning of Jan. 3, we grabbed our packs and prepared for a day in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, which is home to 2.5 percent of the world’s species. At the entrance to the trail a surprise awaited, a flurry of hummingbirds, including Violet Sabrewings, Coppery Headed Emeralds, Green Crowned Brilliants […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Student.
Liberal Arts in Focus: Biodiversity in Costa Rica, Journal Entry #1
Eight Ripon College students are currently in Costa Rica as part of the Liberal Arts in Focus course “Biodiversity in Costa Rica.” Led by Associate Professor of Biology Memuna Khan and Professor of Biology and William Harley Barber Distinguished Professor George “Skip” Wittler, the students are exploring Costa Rica’s riches in biological diversity and its […]
Posted by Dale Devries in Academics, Student, Sustainability.