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119 total posts. Showing results 49 - 64.

Game Changers book cover

Book by Schatzinger, Martin available for pre-order

The book Game Changers: How Dark Money and Super PACs Are Transforming U.S. Campaigns is scheduled to be released March 1, 2020. The authors are […]

Lamont Colucci

Colucci speaking across the country on ‘new space’

The expanding interests of space strategy, national security and great-power conflict in space have been addressed across the country by Lamont Colucci, associate professor of […]

Cover of "Republican Populist" book

President Messitte to appear on C-SPAN to discuss book

President Zach Messitte and his co-author Charles Holdon will appear on C-SPAN3’s “American History TV” program to talk about their book Republican Populist: Sprio Agnew […]

President Zach Messitte

Book by President Zach Messitte getting national attention

President Zach Messitte was the guest on the Yahoo News Podcast Skullduggery Monday, Nov. 18. He talked about former Vice President Spiro Agnew and his […]

Lamont Colucci addresses several national audiences on future of space

Lamont Colucci, associate professor of politics and government, was scheduled during October and November to give four presentations concerning the future of space and the […]

Conservative commentator Charlie Sykes to speak Nov. 14

Conservative Wisconsin political commentator Charlie Sykes will present “The Republican Party in an Age of Impeachment” Nov. 14 at Ripon College. The talk will begin […]

Rory Linnane

Documentary, discussion about youth mental health to be presented Oct. 29

“You’re Not Alone,” a 30-minute documentary about youth mental health, will be shown and followed by a discussion Oct. 29 at Ripon College. The event […]

Cover of "Republican Populist" book

President Zach Messitte, coauthors to discuss new book about Republican populism Oct. 14

Republican Populist: Spiro Agnew and the Origins of Donald Trump’s America, a book co-written by President Zach Messitte, will be the focus of talk at […]

Jennifer Hunt

Immigration policy in the United States to be addressed Oct. 3

The special presentation “What is the best immigration policy?” will be presented Oct. 3 at Ripon College. The talk by Dr. Jennifer Hunt, James Cullen […]

Photo of Vice President Spiro Agnew

Messitte coauthor of op-ed to appear in Sunday’s Baltimore Sun

In anticipation of their new book, Republican Populist: Spiro Agnew and the Origins of Donald Trump’s America, authors Zach Messitte, Charles J. Holden and Jerald […]

Claudine Schneider

Climate change focus of talk Sept. 16 at Ripon College

Climate change will be the focus of a talk presented Monday, Sept. 16, at Ripon College. The Hon. Claudine Schneider, a Republican representative from Rhode […]

Karl Rove

Political analyst Karl Rove to speak at Ripon College Sept. 13

Karl Rove, political analyst and former senior advisor to President George W. Bush, will speak at Ripon College Sept. 13. His talk about the 2020 […]

Twin Towers memorial lights

‘Memories of 9/11’ to be discussed Sept. 11 at Ripon College

A panel discussion, “Memories of 9/11: Are We Still Divided?”, will be held Sept. 11 at Ripon College. This event is sponsored by the Center […]

Michael Tanner

Bringing wealth to the poor focus of talk at Ripon College Sept. 17

Bringing wealth to America’s poor will be the focus of a talk Sept. 17 at Ripon College. The program will begin at 6:30 p.m. in […]

Brian Smith

Brian Smith opinion piece on immigration practices published

An opinion piece by Brian Smith, professor of religion and the Van Zoeren Family Chair in Religion, Ethics and Values, was published Sunday in the […]

Lamont Colucci

Lamont Colucci publishes opinion piece on Newsmax

“Americans Need to Overcome Complacency About National Security,” an opinion piece by Lamont Colucci, associate professor of politics and government, was published March 29, 2019, […]