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1252 total posts. Showing results 497 - 512.

Larry Malchow

Fiction story by former advancement officer Larry Malchow honored

A story by former executive director of development Larry Malchow has won a cash prize as a finalist in Easy Street magazine’s first annual Portal […]

Memuna Khan with bluebird

Biology professor Memuna Khan quoted in article about bluebirds

Memuna Khan, associate professor of biology and chair of the Department of Biology, was featured in an article, “Eastern bluebirds find a home at UW-Oshkosh,” […]

Mattew Knoester

Publications by Associate Professor of Educational Studies Matt Knoester receive awards

Matt Knoester, associate professor of educational studies, was honored in the 2018 Emerald Literati Awards. His article, “Why do young adults vote at low rates? […]

Julia Meyers-Manor with her dog, Athos

Study by Julia Meyers-Manor receiving widespread recognition

An article co-written by Julia Meyers-Manor, Ripon College assistant professor of psychology, has garnered widespread attention nationally and internationally, including coverage from Time, NBC News, […]

Photo of Zachary Peterson

Diverse interests lead to a planned career in academia for Zachary Peterson ’16

At Ripon College, Zachary Peterson ’16 discovered his passions in life, and now he is hoping to use his skills to address institutional mental health […]

Photo of Allyson Fleck playing viola

Former instructor of music recalls Ripon College

Allyson Fleck, former adjunct instructor of music at Ripon College, is the executive director, assistant artistic director and violist for the Midsummer’s Music festival in […]

Lamont Colucci

Colucci advocates for creation of a U.S. Space Corps

An opinion piece by Associate Professor of Politics and Government Lamont Colucci was published July 13, 2018, on InHomelandSecurity.com from American Military University. “The U.S. […]

Marc Eaton

Marc Eaton co-edits new book on the supernatural

The Supernatural in Society, Culture, and History, a book co-edited by Associate Professor of Sociology Marc Eaton, will be published in August by Temple University […]

Photo of Harwood Memorial Union with clouds and sun

Ripon No. 1 in state for how much graduates earn, according to U.S. Department of Education

Ripon College has been named the No. 1 school in Wisconsin whose grads earn the most in mean wages 10 years after graduation. The study, […]

Photo of John Bitter '02 during an event on the ice

Ripon gave foundation for adult life to John Bitter ’02

John Bitter ’02 is now the vice president of ticket sales for the Milwaukee Admirals Hockey Club. But when he was looking for a college […]

Amanda Finn Haggerty'14

Multi-faceted education leads to multi-faceted career

Ripon College offers a wide variety of study areas and personalized education options, and Amanda Finn Haggerty ’14, took full advantage. She triple-majored in English, […]

Photo of Brad Alberts

Brad Alberts ’92 carries love of sports into professional career

The opportunity to continue playing basketball and the personal interest of coaches were deciding factors for Brad Alberts ’92 to attend school at Ripon College. […]

Photo of Kathryn Schultz

Ripon education made the difference for Kathryn Schultz ’89

Generous financial aid enabled Kathryn Schultz ’89 to attend Ripon College, and she pays it forward with financial, mentoring and promotional support. “I would not […]

Photo of Lincoln Wurtz in front of Mayo Clinic sign

Lincoln Wurtz ’17 continuing studies at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota

Lincoln Wurtz ’17 chose to attend Ripon College because of the opportunities for a richly personalized education. When he visited, he says, “Everyone was interested […]

Photo of Ripon Police Officer Lindsay Michels

Lindsay Gorske Michels ’04 now a sergeant with Ripon Police Department

The tight-knit community that makes up Ripon College first attracted Lindsay Gorske Michels ’04, and it is what she values now in her life. “Ripon […]

Photo of William Chester Jordan

Ripon’s multi-faceted education took graduate to career at Princeton University

The multi-faceted approach of a liberal arts education allowed William Chester Jordan ’69 to study in numerous areas. He majored in history, Russian and mathematics, […]